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    Q4 Sportback e-tron 45 Black Edition
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  1. Thanks for the info, its most appreciated.
  2. I have just purchased a Blackvue Dr970X-1CH dash cam and will be hard wiring it this weekend. The hardwiring kit allows it to be wired to a permanent and ignition power source. I will be suing the parking mode feature so require the permanent connection. Has anyone else wired in a similar dash cam and if so what fuses did you use? I've looked at the fuse box in the glove box and matched it up to https://fuse-box.info/audi/audi-q4-e-tron-2022-2023-fuses-and-relays. The 12V is fuse F52 and I'm guessing its on an ignition power source. FYI I have a 2024 Q4 Sportback
  3. Does anyone know where to check for the latest software version numbers? I want to make sure my Q4 is as up to date as possible. I know my maps are up to date as I did them this morning but the software updates says to plug in a USB and it will check the USB and "online" for updates. I don't have a USB with any updates on it and when I pressed "check for updates" it said none were available. I'm not sure if it actually checked online and just failed / finished because a USB was not present. Is there a website where the latest MMI / software version numbers are published?
  4. Does anyone know where to check for the latest software version numbers? I want to make sure my Q4 is as up to date as possible. I know my maps are up to date as I did them this morning but the software updates says to plug in a USB and it will check the USB and "online" for updates. I don't have a USB with any updates on it and when I pressed "check for updates" it said none were available. I'm not sure if it actually checked online and just failed / finished because a USB was not present. Is there a website where the latest MMI / software version numbers are published?
  5. Hi all. Took delivery of a new Q4 Sportback e-tron 45 Black Edition on March 1st and I have to say I'm more than happy with it. It's my first delve into electric cars and my daily mileage is small so the range is not an issue at all. My employer has a salary sacrifice scheme that started in January which included the car (obviously), tax, insurance, servicing (with Audi), breakdown, tyres (yes, I've seen the tyre prices :D) and free installation of a wall point charger so it was a no brainer for me. I have a million questions so no doubt I will be posting in here if I cant find the answers elsewhere.
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