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    A4 TFSI 35 S-Line
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  1. No worries. I am no expert in jack quality, I only ever have used the various jacks that came with my cars over the years. Looking at the jack that came with the space saver, I cant really comment on its quality nor can I argue with Martyn saying it was rubbish, especially when I havent used it in anger.
  2. Thanks very much Antec123, good video! I am sure thats also in the manual too!
  3. Ture! So dont worry I know how to use a jack and a wheel. Yes its in the manual somewhere and all over the net if you look for it. A lot of cars have those positions as you indicated in your post, however, in a lot of the ones that I have seen you can visually see the point under the car so its clear. I looked under my A4 and it isnt visually easy to see and knocking the usual area just returned a hollow sound but it has to be there in the usual places, so I thought I bounce it off others on this forum to get their experience on the matter, just like the spare and the jack itself and the red tool. There are a lot of knowledgeable people here, thats the point of forums, and as a moderator of this forum, you shouldnt go assuming people are stupid just because they ask a question.
  4. My Wheel & jack turned up yesterday and it was a perfect fit. The jack looked ok but I dont know much about jacks. Thanks for the Links Martyn. I looked under to see where the jack point was but I couldnt find it, knocking the underneath almost everything sounded rather flimsy, I need to have another look with better lighting. By the way, what is the red tool that comes with the car for?
  5. Hi Martyn, I have ordered the wheel and the jack kit, although I havent received them yet. I was wondering which jack did you get, do you have a link to it please? Peter - Do we know for sure the space-saver doesnt fit the front or is it a Chinese whisper getting around as I appreciate Martyn's is a 21 reg but do they change that much?
  6. Thanks again for the info Peter 👍
  7. I still haven't got around to getting my space saver however, I seem to remember reading somewhere that the spacer would only fit the back I think not the front as there may be some clearance issues with possibly the brake calliper or something like that. Has anyone else know of any issues using the space saver on any of the corners?
  8. Hi Peter, Understood. Thank you and everyone on this thread for all the information, and the good ideas I will order the same kit and see how I can fit the bag. Cheers, Sean
  9. Hi Peter, That looks great, thanks for sharing the photos, it's a perfect fit. Where do you store the jack kit, under the space saver? Is there enough clearance on the battery pack side under the space saver, the battery seems to have a heatsink Yes, some hard foam should do the job.
  10. Excellent, I hope it fits. Did you say your wheels are 17"? Mine is 19". I just checked the Wheel shop for the make & model, and they come up as 19", with or without the kit. Cheers Peter, thank you very much.
  11. Hi, I have an A4 TFSI 35 MHEV 2020, I am also trying to get a spare wheel and jack kit from eBay but I am unsure if the wheel would fit in the boot if I remove the repair kit. I have 19" alloys. I presume the space saver needs to also be 19" or are they different? I have attached a photo that may give you an idea and I would appreciate your input. By the way, V5 says B8 but folks say its a B9, not sure yet. It looks the same as Peteb1951 photos... Thanks, Sean
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