Overboost Condition This is a signal that the turbocharger's boost system is generating pressure above the level expected by the engine or control module. The causes of this problem can be various:
Problems with the boost control valve (N75) - The N75 valve controls the operation of the turbocharger by regulating the boost pressure. If the valve is damaged or malfunctioning, this can lead to excessive pressure production, resulting in error P0234.
Damaged or worn turbocharger - Turbochargers can become worn or mechanically damaged, which can cause overcharging or other boost pressure problems.
Defective MAP (Manifold Absolute Pressure) sensor - The MAP sensor measures the pressure in the intake manifold. If it is damaged or incorrectly calibrated, this can lead to incorrect pressure readings and the P0234 error.
Problems with the exhaust or intake system - Leaks in the intake or exhaust system, as well as damage to the turbocharger cooling system, can affect the performance and proper operation of the turbocharger.
Problem with the fuel supply system - If the fuel supply system is not supplying the correct amount of fuel to the engine, the turbocharger may be operating at an excessive load, which can lead to excessive pressure production.
Of course, I have only outlined the most important and basic ones, but this is where I would start.