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rockhopper last won the day on April 25 2024

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    A4 Avant Technik 35 TDi
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  1. Deleting my existing user name/details and then inputting it as if it were new seems to have solved the issue 🤞
  2. October 2022 A4. The MMI on start up has started displaying " The selected user has not been used in this vehicle for a while. Please enter the myAudi user data again". When I try to login both via email/password or scanning the QR code, I keep getting "The name which has been entered already exists in the user list". The name is in the user list. However, it won't let me login again. I have the myAudi app on my phone but it tells me the "MMI Wi-Fi connection is "Not linked" even though the slider is toggled on. I'm having to use it as though I'm a guest. Any ideas or help gratefully received please. Thanks
  3. Just to say that I bought a space saver 19" wheel from The Wheel Shop along. As Stevey noted above, I then stuck several sections of polystyrene using gaffer tape (pic 1) to support the wheel and keep it off the battery cables to the left and right. Enough space underneath the wheel to store the compressor and tyre repair bottle (pic 2) (just in case). This raised the spare wheel but there was still just enough thread available on the centre to allow me to use the normal large plastic nut to hold the spare in place (pic 3). Although the spare was a little higher than normal due to the polystyrene, there's still enough space to allow the top cover to sit flat in the boot. Lastly the tools including jack fit in the plastic tray (pic 4) between the battery and the back of the rear seats (blue towel round them to stop rattling).
  4. Stevey Y Many thanks for your reply – the detail is very helpful. I had another look and think it should be OK. The width across the batteries and a black cable comes to under 18” so think a 19” wheel should fit round it. Have attached a couple of photos which show it. As you say, I think I’ll need some insulation or padding to cope with the various cables and stop them being affected by the tyre. Sorry to be a pest but I wasn’t sure what you meant when you said “...as long as the cables for the extra battery don't go inside the wheel tub...”. Thanks
  5. I've looked at various comments and videos on this type of thread and am a tad confused so wondered if anyone could help please ? I have a Sept 2022 A4 Avant Technik 35 Tdi with the usual tyre inflation kit. I'm keen to install a space saver spare wheel instead. Given the date of manufacture, I though I had a B9. However, the plate on the car states "Typ B8" and the Owners Manual states "8WD" so am now not sure whether I have a B8 or B9 (please excuse the ignorance). The car is a mild hybrid with additional small MHEV battery in the boot. It looks as though there would be space for a 125/70/19 if I remove the inflation kit and moulding but am just not sure. My questions are as follows: 1 any ideas on whether I have a B8 or B9 please ? 2 can I remove the tyre inflation kit and moulding then fit a 19" 125/70 space saver in the space and use the large threaded nut to hold it in place without the need for a special moulding piece - am a bit concerned about the cables from the battery and MHEV smaller battery but may be OK ? 3 or do I need have a moulding before installing the wheel (I'm not concerned about how I carry the scissors jack and wheel brace) 4 would this tyre fit which is for a B8 but no mention of a B9 Audi A4 B8 (08-present day) 19" | Space Saver Wheel | The Wheel Shop I am generally competent when it comes to cars, DIY etc but am a very recent first time Audi owner. For recreational reasons I can find myself in areas of Scotland with no phone signal and am worried I get a tyre rip/similar which can't be fixed with an inflation kit hence the reason I'd prefer a spare wheel. Any help and views on whether this is doable or needs additional parts/moulding would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks
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