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  1. Zed

    Air suspension

    After 3 weeks of being sat on one side, the q7 magically rises itself and now all 4 airbags are filled with air. I have no idea how this happened as i have done nothing other than try to figure out what the problem was. I did keep an eye on it to see if overnight it starts to sag or drop but, all good. I have tried to spray soapy water on the airbags but no leak. I did have the green light on and the yellow light on for the air suspension but now the green light has gone and just the yellow one is on. The code i am getting for that is 01772 which is for the level control pressure sensor which apparently is in the valve block so im considering replacing that and seeing how it goes from there
  2. Changed the window reg on my q7 (driver's side) but for some reason when winding the window back up, it stops and opens half way again. I have to wind it back up clicking on the button a few times rather than pulling the button up in just one go. I have tried re-learning the power windows and checked to see if there was anything that was in the way but nothing.
  3. Zed

    Air suspension

    Thank you for the replies! Is there something i should be aware of once i have replaced the airbag? Or will it be good to go once replaced?
  4. Hi. I have an audi q7 2010 that was parked for 2 weeks. After getting the car started cause it had a flat battery the driver side and drivers rear did not lift up whereas the passenger side and passenger rear has lifted. I did have the yellow light on the dash which has been on for a couple of months now the code i got from that was the 01772 code but the air system worked fine. Now going over bumps is very uncomfortable as there is no air on one side of the vehicle
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