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Rigger last won the day on July 5 2024

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  • First Name
  • Town / County
    Ards and North Down, Norn Irn
  • Audi Model
    A4 Avant S-Line SE
  • Audi Year

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  1. Very nice Sir! 6.0L - when did they finish those? V8 started at 3.8 I believe then 4.2 before going up to 5.0L as mine is. Was the 6.0L the V11?
  2. Wouldn't mind knowing this myself, as I have the same indents on the door handles.
  3. Didn't see any mention of LA. His location came up as Essex using a desktop PC. Clicked the link and all I get is an ad for carfax.
  4. American YouTube car reviews tend to be very heavily biased towards US manufacturers. They cite that European car brands to too tech heavy, and thats why they tend to break down. US car brands for us are seen to be slush mobiles, that can't corner and have to tech to speak of. Thats the outlying consensus, though Corvettes are proving that story wrong. If you want to get a more realistic view, check out the JD power surveys. We weren't trying to put you off Audi, more that one example. Audi are as reliable as any brand out there. Even UK manufacturers had to raise their game, otherwise go bust. I've only been an Audi owner for a few years, but my first - a A4 Avant B8.5 was near ten years old, and still look fresh underneath. My Jag is a few years younger, but having to consider getting undersealed to protect it more. I'm sure there are better examples that the one you gave. A bit of searching and willingness to travel within the UK should see you a car that has none of a bad history and within your budget.
  5. 100% this!! Sounds cheap for a reason. I'd avoid like the plague!
  6. Pity, I just got rid of my B8.5 A4 Avant 6 weeks ago. Had 102K miles, but was mint, with everything you are looking for. Good luck on the hunt.
  7. It should be in your drivers manual, right at the start Copy of a PDF from online. for my 2017 A4, but should be the same I'm guessing for yours. Button 5 in the screen shot below.
  8. Sound like a wiring issue. Are you having any battery problems as well? Its possible the brake cluster lights and boot release wiring have rubbed though and are contacting. Best way to check is to pop the boot while engine is on. Have someone stand at the rear of the car - If you're brake lights come on, that'll be your problem.
  9. Hi, I'd check the cables for continuity. The outer insulation sheath may look good, but the only sure way to check is a continuity check using a multimeter. If you've a Fluke MM - all the better as these are what we use in work. Our subsea camera whips (waterproof cables) break down after a period of time due to the pan and tilt operation of the camera. They look fine on the outside, but we usually find that the conductors inside are snapped. You should also wiggle the cable while testing. So you may need a hand from someone. If you've a schematic drawing (or get hold of one) you should be able to trace and 'bell out' the cables.
  10. No problem fella - it's what a forum is for. Plenty of topics under tyre skip within Google if you want some light bedside reading 😉 https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=5k6WW4m7L8bHgAag-oa4Cg&btnG=Search&q=tyre+skip&oq=windy+beach+white+dress+image&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i21k1.1528.5991.0.6217.
  11. Took me 2 mins on E-Bay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204771353309?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=8Se7mkv-QkO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=-UXgAk4-RBe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  12. What size are they first of all? That may help narrow down the search.
  13. Known as tyre skip or tyre slip, it's far more noticeable with wider tyres fitted to modern cars. The Ackermann (differential steering on left right wheels) angles can only do so much. It's not just Audis that are affected. All the cars I've had with tyres wider than 255mm do it. My current XJR sits on 265 front and 295 at the rear. At full lock, it sounds horrid as the tyre scrubs, skips, slips along the ground. Ways to avoid - don't apply full lock unless you really need to.
  14. Hi Gareth, Apologies in not replying earlier - on hols still and wifi is hit and miss. Agree with what you say about driving style. I tend to get on, but always in regards to traffic and weather. Grew up in NE Scotland, so used to bad weather. Norn Irn has some lovely roads, but some of the drivers can be erratic to say the least. You could be driving at 60 on a damp road, and some idiot pops out a side road, misjudging your speed. Had it happen to me a few times. To that end, I fit the best tyres I can, so that I can stop or at least slow down enough. As for the 5th Gear segment, I think it was a neutral test, ie not sponsored by any one brand. Budget tyres do have their place in the market, of course they do. But given that I don't hang about, I prefer to have as good a tyre that I can fit. Given the power in the Jag (near 600hp through the rear), it has Michelin Pilot sport 4S fitted, but rarely gets driven in the wet. If I do, then I slow down accordingly. The Audi is the daily and will be driven throughout the year in all conditions. Last A4 Avant had them, and when we had a patch of snow, the Cross Climate 2s handled the snow with ease. I am used to driving in snow though, but was really impressed with the Michelins.
  15. Certainly hoping so, given the initial cost of them😆. As for humour, its part and parcel of being a Jock, and living in Norn Irn. Craic here is usually 100%🤪 Hi Gareth, Tyres are 35 profile. 30s would be like band of rubber😬. My XJR has 30 profile tyres on the rear 295/30/20 - but to be honest, the ride in that thing is sublime, even given that they put the F-Type-SVR engine, transmission and suspension (Bilstein shocks) into it. The Avant is sitting on 19" alloys, and even though I've only driven 30 miles in them since, the car just feels better for it - though that might be the alignment. It helps that the roads here in Norn Irn are generally very very good. Scotland's roads are horrific now in comparison. England's weren't much better to be honest, but in Scotland the Greens were the tail wagging the SNP Dog, so no investment got put in the roads there - end result is that when I did the NC500 a few years back - I was appalled at how bad the roads had gotten. I hear what you're saying regarding tyre choice and budget, but for me safety is paramount. Not going to help if you get T-boned, but at least you can do what you can, more so in our rain dominated UK climate. 5th gear did a segment years ago with budget tyres breaking in the wet - the results were horrifying for me. Been premium tyres ever since.
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