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Everything posted by peetee7

  1. Looks like i took a screenshot on the app. See if you can get to the following screen ..
  2. The app I use is OBDeleven VAG on my iPhone. Its a black colour app icon with a white colour animal with the text 'for VAG' on the bottom Take a look, its definitely in one of the sub options. If you struggle happy to meet up at a services nearby and check for you. No bother at all
  3. Hiya mate. Yes your OBD11 scanner should tell you the ecu software version. It'll be either 1004 or 1005. If you've got 1005 and still getting the judder then the issue is more than likely carbon build up in the intake manifolds and other components. Thanks to the emissions hardware! Take care.
  4. Hiya mate, if you are anywhere near the Midlands i'd be more than happy to check the version for free. Sorry i've just checked my notifications. Cheers.
  5. Hiya mate yes! All solved update the ECU software from 1004 to 1005. That’ll fix the cold start issue. Join the SQ7 UK & Europe owners Facebook group
  6. Hey guys i own a 2018 sq7. On cold starts maybe 2/3 out of 5 of them the engine runs very lumpy/ rough for the first 30 seconds or so. I've spoken to a number of owners, all of whom are having the same issue and they are all too struggling to find the root cause. I've checked the codes and there are no error codes I'd really appreciate responses from people who have managed to resolve this issue. Can someone please help ? Thanks.
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