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    TT 1.8 BAM 225
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  1. He lives!!! 20240611_102224.mp4
  2. They really do like to test us 🤣 I got it from gt traffic so hope it's OK. This is going to be a love hate relationship I know it 😆 I don't suppose you know the size bolts that go in the cat heat shield do you please? 2 are missing and my goodness, making a right racket!
  3. Just to say in the video, that rattle is the heat shield underneath lol. Not in the engine 🤣
  4. Thanks guys, I have changed the egt and the coolant temp sensor. It's runs worse now, misfiring, spluttring, stinks of fuel, but I did take some pipes apart to see if I could see or feel any splits. I did the maf sensor test and I'm thinking now it's the maff. I pick the part up tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed otherwise he will be sat on the drive until the end of the month. 20240610_154531.mp4
  5. Hi guys and girls, I have bought a mk1 TT with the bam engine. It doesn't seem to have boost. I've checked all pipes and they seem good. I have had a code come up for the egt sensor and the engine coolant sensor. Have these been known for causing issues with the turbo please. Or am I going to have to do more investigation into the n75 value 🤔 Thank you.
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