Since owning my Audi A1 (2012 reg), purchased in 2016, I have had to have the rear lights replaced in their entirety SIX times. Each time the fault as shown on the dashboard is Vehicle Light Malfunction and I have no brake lights, reversing lights, indicators. Two large Audi service centres have worked on my car. Each time, they accept that water is entering into the rear light component and corroding the wiring. Hence a full replacement. I have written to Audi Customer Services several times, and had no redress. In fact, I was treated as if my request for help in identifying this issue was somehow my fault and I was being unreasonable. Once again, my lights have failed (today). To have the issue idenfied by the Audi Service Centre will cost £250 - even though their records show exactly what the issue is from the numerous times I have visited them. Then undoubtedly I will be told that the rear lights need replacing. This must surely be a record. Having loved my car, I now hate the make and wish for a uninspiring Vauxhall or Ford. Any suggestions as to how I can resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.