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They had received a Technical Bulletin from Audi and he was following their instruction. In the car he carried out a factory reset via the MMI and also reset everything in the MyAudi App via his laptop whilst the factory reset was ongoing. All I needed was my MyAudi login and 4 digit pin. No scratch cards with codes were used. If your dealership is unsure, then I suggest they contact Callum at Northampton Audi. Procedure took around 45mins. I wasn't aware of Callum installing any software but as our cars have embedded SIM cards could software be installed remotely and this reset procedure is what actually installs the fix? Perhaps some of you better qualified than me are able to answer that?
Arrived home this morning from a short break and just used my A3 to go to the shops. Car had been idle since last Wednesday. On start up I had no problems with Mmi reset or losing of settings. I am now of the opinion the procedure carried out by Northampton Audi has been a success. I will wait until the end of the week and then email the dealership and 'sign off' my car. I will still be pursuing VWFS for compensation.
I’m away at the moment but my A3 was fine up until I came away on Thursday. I have no reason to suspect the issues will return after the car has been idle for a few days. A suggestion would be to ask your contacts at Southend Audi to give Callum at Northampton Audi a call. He carried out the fix for me. Don’t know whether there are differences between the A3 and Q3 MMi. It might be he is doing something different? Surely a call is worth a try?
I have been using my car over the weekend and today with no problems. Radio favourites and other settings all being held and no resetting of MMI on ignition cycle. Very happy so far. I will be away for a few days later this week until next Tuesday so car will be idle during this period. Not expecting any issues with car being idle but best to be sure.
The procedure on my MMI was carried out earlier. So far so good. The guy said he carried the same procedure out yesterday for another customer and to date that has been successful. He carried out a factory reset on the MMI and was doing all sorts of other things on his laptop. From the emails in my inbox, he has reset everything in the App ie dealership, chassis no etc etc. I would recommend having the dealership carry out the work rather than try it yourself. Radio favourites along with the other settings I want have been set up. My MyAudi login was needed as well as my 4 digit pin. We didn't use any codes from the scratch card attached to my spare key. He said they received a Technical Bulletin from Audi earlier in the week with an explanation of what to do, so one would presume all dealerships have received this as well?? He said the issue had affected all models which have had a facelift. I will update as too whether it has been successful or not in due course.
Thats good news that your car is still holding all your favourites. I based my decision to reject the £500 comp on the info I had at the time of the call from Audi CS. Even the guy I spoke with said the fix was scheduled for December and there was no guarantee that the fix would be ready for December. He said he would ask VWFS to contact me. I was certainly not expecting Northampton Audi to get in touch this morning suggesting I visit. They did say I could carry out the procedure myself but they have made their digital analyst available at my convenience and recommended he carried out the procedure. My priority is getting the MMI working correctly. I can fight for comp later. Been out this morning and carried out 3 ignition starts and had 2 resets so it is becoming a frustrating pain.
Good Morning All. My dealership in Northampton have contacted me this morning and I am visiting them this afternoon for a fix!!! I think it will be a procedure similar to that carried out on Peters car by Southend Audi. Audi Customer Services contacted me yesterday and offered me compensation of £500, which I completely rejected and told them to come up with a better offer. If this fix works I might be regretting declining the offer. Will provide an update later.
Hi Peter / Mick. Thats all very interesting to hear. If you could post once you are fully satisfied with the results then I will contact my dealership in Northampton and get them on the case. Many Thanks David
Hi Greg. Yes, I agree about getting your PCP payment reduced. I am in the process of doing that. If you call VWFS and ask to be put through to the complaints dept. I spoke with a very helpful guy called Tom. I have asked for a credit against the payments already made plus an amount for all the inconvenience, hassle etc etc and a £100 a month reduction until such times the fix is carried out to my full satisfaction (which I envisage would be 10-14 days after any fix so the MMI can be fully tested). Tom passed my complaint to Audi Customer Service who called on Monday. The guy said they would investigate my complaint and call back in 5-7 days. He said if it was happening to him he would not be very happy either. Part of my argument was that I have not had full functionality of the car from day one, so why should I be paying the full amount. If customers start complaining and ask for compensation then they are going to have to sit up and take note as the problem will only snowball!! Good Luck
Just sent an email to BBC Watchdog (part of The One Show these days). Have included a link to this forum. I don't know their criteria for selecting topics but thought it was worth a shot. Email is [email protected] If others did the same it might add credence to our case and make them sit up and take note.
This forum seems to becoming a central point for discussing this issue yet we will be a very small percentage of the Audi customers experiencing this problem. I’m afraid I don’t participate in Facebook or any other of the social media sites. If any of you do participate then it might be an idea to post an article on these sites with a link to this forum so traffic can be driven to the forum and increase our numbers. Also if anyone has idea’s on getting the issue national publicity please suggest them?
Been reading the latest posts with interest. As I have a PCP I have raised a complaint with VW Finance with the intention of getting compensation and reduced monthly payments until such time the fix is carried out and everything is working to my satisfaction. For me I don't consider rejection an option, although I realise the option is still open to me. Because VWF technically own the car rejection does get a bit more complicated. VWF have a complaints dept so if calling ask to be put through to them. I spoke to a very helpful guy called Tom. I have referred him to this forum and he found it while on the call to me, so they are fully aware of our complaints. Tom did say that they are regulated by the FCA so if there is no satisfactory outcome after 8 weeks of making the complaint you can refer it to the FCA. I have received an email confirming my complaint so I know it is underway. I have also emailed the Head Of Business at Northampton Audi venting my feelings and asking for the same compensation package. Also gave him the option of replacing my car with one of the same spec etc, but with a working MMI!! Can't see that happening!!! I have been a customer at Northampton Audi for over 20 years yet with this problem I have experienced similar customer service issues as Gordon with Inchcape Audi Stockport. They want you to complete the sales survey and give them 5 stars after collecting the car, but when you report a problem no one wants to know - shocking service. I will refuse to complete any further of their survey's. I will update on any further developments, but it would help if you all gave your dealerships as much grief as possible and if on finance log a complaint with VW Finance.
After telling me telling me that there would be a fix for mid-August, my dealership are now telling me there is no update as yet, with no further timescales given.
I haven't contributed for a while but have been reading with much interest the comments you have all been posting. My dealership (Northampton) have always told me mid-August for a fix. Now that mid-August is fast approaching I will be contacting them on Monday for an update. I will let you know the outcome! If December 24 is the date given then that is unacceptable. Are Audi still delivering A3's & Q3's with what is now a known fault? If so, it would be interesting to know what the trading regulators would think of this. Don't know if any of you have legal backgrounds? I note one or two of you have rejected or are thinking of rejecting your cars under the Consumer sales Act. I don't have use of any other cars so rejecting would cause me great inconvenience until I got an alternative sorted out. My car is on a 4 year PCP (which I understand would be an added complication for rejecting) so if they start quoting me December for a fix I will insist my monthly payments are reduced until the issue(s) are resolved to my full satisfaction. Apart for this problem I really enjoy driving the car. Just for reference from earlier post my software version is 4143 & MMI software 3A-22-233200.
As I have said on earlier posts, I have been told by my dealership Head Of Business, early to mid August for a fix. I wait in anticipation!!!