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  1. Hi, a simple question I hope. What software version do I have for my car. This is the only screen on OBD11 I can find quoting a relevant software version, but I ask because I thought Audi numbered their software 100* not 000*. Any ideas?
  2. Does anyone know what software version 0001 means in relation to others which say 1006?
  3. Hi @peetee7, just wondering if you've got any ideas on the above? Do I need to take it back to the tuners to get them to upgrade again?
  4. Not sure why mine is saying 0001.
  5. THat's very kind of you. I'll have to have another look - it's the app I'm using and I've unlocked the ultmate sub or whatever they call it. Just checking engine info (as per the above pic) I saw the info breakdown but software version was not on it. Puzzling.
  6. Thanks for the reply. I've looked everywhere in OBD11 and can't find the software version - even noting the link above. I've got a Topdon AirDiag 600, might have to try that, but if it is 1004 then I don't know how to get it updated other than to take it back to the tuners. I'm worried they did nothing with the car, the Stage 1 resulted in no 0-60 improvement (not a boy-racer I'd add, but it's a good metric to test).
  7. I've got an OBD11 scanner - is there any way to see the software version on that. I had a stage 1 on mine recently, and the garage said they always flash to the latest firmware. However I'm still getting the judder, so feel a little sceptical.
  8. So I had to take the car to my local mechanic for new brakes, and he asid the explanation given by the tuner seems reasonable (though the mechanic conceeded he did not tune cars)... so maybe it is right? I'd still be interested on thoughts from others who have had a tune, without the torque caps removed.
  9. Hi Steve, Thanks for your reply, interesting. The guy did have a dyno and produced an output graph before and after. I've read a lot of reviews for him and he definitely seems legit so I'm not trying to undermine what he's done (I'm actually pleased with the work if the results are to be believed, and the fact he has stopped the startup judder which would have cost a fair amount at a main dealer to sort). I'm just trying to understand the science/engineering behind this. I did take it out for a longer run earlier and gear changes felt snappier and shifting before the readline (looking where the peak BHP was) I did shave a couple of tenths of the acceleration time, better than I've gotten before.
  10. 👋
  11. Apparently it is a known fault. I had it on mine - took it for a Stage 1 and they updated the software from "version 1 to version 2", and it appears to have solved my judder. Also proving you don't need Audi to resolve this issue.
  12. Hi All, I hope you're well and can help with this headscratcher. I have a 2020 SQ7 TDi, and recently had it stage 1 tuned. Outcome was ~100BHP improvement and ~150NM torque improvement. Very pleasing indeed. A quick scoot over to a quiet, straight flat road for a 0-60 test (60mph road, ICYWW) and the 0-60 times were no different, despite manual and auto launches. The guy who did the tune sounds pretty knowledgeable and I have no reason to disbeleive his reasoning for this (I'm not technical enough to challenge), but he said he did not remove the torque caps from 1st gear as this can lead to damage to the rear diff. If so, I'm happy for this to stay in place and will have to accept the results as they are, but it just doesn't accord with different modding/tuning vids on YT where they do get 0-60 gains. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a boy racer wanting to go drag racing from the lights, but it's the only way to measure the improvement for me at the moment. Am I missing something, or is this right. Should also add, not the most scientific but I tried to compare like-for-like before and after (fuel, weather conditions, occupants etc), and the times were exactly the same. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
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