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Everything posted by GordonP

  1. Hi Guys Not really on this topic, but has anyone else noticed during this cold spell that their heated mirrors aren't working ? My 2024 A3 S Line has just come back from the Dealership as mine weren't defrosting, and I've been told that this is yet another known issue and that there's a Technical Notice advising that the sensors in the mirrors are faulty and need replacing.
  2. Hi Guys I've just received an email from Audi Customer Services in which they state :- We have been contacted by Audi UK who have advised a system fix will be released on 25 January 2025 which will repair the faults you are experiencing. Hope this helps with whatever decisions you make regarding keeping/ rejecting your cars.
  3. Hi Whilst I agree with everyone that doing a full factory reset achieves what most of us were complaining about i.e. the loss of personalised settings, I'm beginning to believe that it's not a total solution to the software glitches with our 2024 Audi's. For example, the loss of personalised settings on the Virtual Dashboard, I've had two Audi's with a Virtual Dashboard, and never had to reset the view in either car, my wife's A1 and my Q2. Over the last few days I'm still getting occasions when I have to reapply my Sonos Sound settings, Wifi settings aren't being retained and I've lost my access to Cubic Telecom, even though I can login via the internet and lastly any service/ application that requires my authorisation e.g. speech recognition is not being retained. While I feel we've made great strides with Audi in resolving the issues, I still feel that there are areas that are flakey, and perhaps it's as one of the Audi Tech guys told me at the beginning of all this and that it depends on which elements of the MMI your car has access to depending on the model/ level of technology that's switched on, for example I have the full Tech pack and maybe that's why I'm experiencing these further faults ?
  4. Hi Mick Good thinking, and yes you can store it as a favourite.
  5. Thanks for the clarification guys. Compared to resetting nearly everything I'll live with this.
  6. Thanks Greg, I'll give it go.
  7. Hi everyone After a number of phone calls finally got my Dealership to do a full reset, which I did remotely over the phone, while they did their thing on a laptop at the Dealership. So far so good, but it's not perfect. There are four areas that are still flaky, or just are not retained. First is on the central display of the Virtual Cockpit, which despite my efforts to select, say consumption, as the setting, rather that date and time, will always go back to date and time. Second is the Speed Limit warning which will not retain either, the speed threshold, or the fact that I don't want it beeping at me when I go over what the car believes is the prevailing speed limit. Third, is that the Sonos sound settings are not always retained, annoying, but not a show stopper. And lastly, the car will occasionally change the colour of the ambient settings, again annoying but not a show stopper. Is anyone else experiencing similar niggles ? Jan, sad to hear that this is Audi's permanent solution, and my software is the same as yours. cheers
  8. I've tried to get my dealership ( Stockport Audi ) to apply the fixed used by Southend Audi, but they totally refused to entertain the idea and cancelled my appointment the afternoon before it was due to go in. I pointed out that Southend and themselves were now part of Group 1, and that perhaps they should adopt the same level of customer service, but it fell on deaf ears !! As well as logging a complaint with Audi Customer Services & Audi Financials, I've now added Group 1 to list. Still living with the issue, and now treat it as a joke whenever I get in the car to see which, if any, of my changes have been retained. I've also discovered that changes I made to the sound settings within Sonos aren't being retained. It's a shame that there isn't a National Body that will take up the case with Audi, rather than us being lone voices.
  9. Hi Guys My A3 ( 2024 Facelifted ) was booked in for this Thursday, to try the solution that Southend Audi have applied, but I've just had a call to say they won't now accept the booking as they believe, and have been told by Audi, UK/ Germany ?, that the fix won't work on my car and that I'll have to wait until the official Audi release later this year/ Quarter 1 2025 !!! Earlier this morning, via Audi Customer Service, I was offered a 20% reduction in my PCP payments for 6 months, which I've rejected. I'll keep you updated,
  10. Hi I've been reading your posts and thought I'd share my latest dealings with my local Audi dealership ( Inchcape Audi Stockport ) and Audi UK. My A3 ( 2024 facelift ) went in for investigation on the 6th and was there for two days, during which time, like everyone else, they confirmed it was a known bug, and that a " fix "was scheduled for, wait for it, possibly January 2025 !! On being told this I contacted the sales guy who sold me the car, and the Sales Manager. At this point I must say that every email I've sent them has always had the Sales Manager copied in, but to date I've never received even an acknowledgement from him. I explained that under the Consumer Act I wanted to return the vehicle, but was meet with " we don't have a process in place " and it's not our responsibility, not exactly the customer service you'd expect. In my case, I think the issue of return is complicated by the fact that the car was purchased through PCP, but I'm no legal expert, and didn't have the time to argue, my 30 days expired on the 11th. Anyway to cut a long story short, I have contacted both Audi Customer Services and Audi Financials, who have logged a complaint and are investigating the issue with a view to receiving compensation. Appreciate that this doesn't solve our complaints, but hopefully it's a way recognising the frustrations we're all feeling. Oh, I forgot to mention that I contacted The Motor Ombudsman to see what avenues there are to get Audi to stop selling cars with a known fault, but unfortunately there's currently no regulatory body in the UK that we can go to.
  11. Sorry I've not joined with the chat over the last couple of days, but I've been in Oxford enjoying the best of our summer. I took the opportunity to see how many times the LTE actually showed more than 3 bars, and I have to say that driving down from Cheshire to Oxford it wasn't that many !! Even, on those rare occasions when I had nearly a full single, move a few hundred yards and you see a completely different single strength, so if Audi is basing it's entire connectivity on this premise then it would appear the UK is probably not the best market to have this as a default. Having said all this when I did connect as soon as I went back to less than 3 bars, I was back to what, for me, is a normal day to day situation i.e. loss of all personalised settings. Coincidently my dealership phone me up while I was away, and once again reiterated how frustrating owning a car with this niggle is. I asked them to imagine they had just spent the best part of £1.5k on a new iPhone and every morning when they switched it on everything they had stored was lost and it started in flight mode, this seemed to hit home to them, so lets see what my diagnostic day next week brings.
  12. I'm the not-so-proud owner of a 2024 facelifted A3 S Line that I picked-up on July 12th, and like you all have experienced the same faults from Day 1. It's not just the loss of being able to store your favourites, but the total inability to store any personalised settings that I find galling. I've been trying to get my local dealership to acknowledge that the fault is not limited to my car, but is across the entire production run of A3s etc., but was told that I shouldn't believe everything you read on the Internet !! It's booked in for diagnostic review on the 6th, which is perilously close to the end of my 30 days, but given what I've read I'm not holding my breath that I'll see a permanent solution to the problem. Hopefully when push comes to shove, if no fix is found then my dealership will be as reasonable as Clifford's.
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