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    Q3 35 TFSI Sport
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  1. Thanks for the update, that does sound promising. Having had a Q3 and Q2 before this troublesome one, I can tell you that the weird stall for a minute and choosing the User just happens now and then but not that often. Happened on my previous cars, seems to be an underlying quirk of the MMI but it seems to sort itself out OK. I will be trying out the full reset like you but really busy at the moment needing the car to go here and there.
  2. Thanks everyone, this really does help others and give them confidence and information to go to their dealerships or do their own Resets or what I call Factory Settings. It's an OK procedure, I always do it before handing in my "old" car in order to clear all personal settings, like Key user, phone IDs, contacts, Satnav destinations etc. My dealership performed what they called "sleep mode" on the car, presumably an Engineer type thing and this "forced an update", which was not a Factory Settings reset because my personal stuff was still all there afterwards. In any case, it didn't work for me but had worked previously for Peter who is also at Southend Audi. They won't give me details of all that but said it was under advice from Audi. When I asked about a Factory Settings Reset, they were oddly reluctant. I'm going to do it myself anyway as they have gone a bit quiet about it all. Mick
  3. So, as Dan has mentioned, just to be clear, is this the procedure you used to do your own Reset? This is from my Q3 manual page 230 ...
  4. Mine is 4142, which is the latest for a Q3 according to my dealership Southend Audi.
  5. Thanks. We all seem to have slightly different stories across the models and slightly different fixes, some work some don't. Earlier on in this debacle Peter had a procedure on his Q3 s line that worked. He and I have the same dealership and they performed the same procedure on my Q3, but mine still has the problem! I don't think either of ours had an MMI factory reset. Anyway, Southend Audi have now gone quiet about mine but I would like them to try a Reset, also completely kill my My Audi account and set up a new one from scratch and connect it to my reset car. It's annoying that it's now a known problem within Audi but we the customers don't have any straight answers or reliable temporary fixes. Just a "reassurance" that it will be fixed in December's MMI software update. I'd like to see these bulletins or memos, just to get a good idea about what's going on ...
  6. Thanks Guy, that's very interesting. We're all slightly different, some A3 some Q3 and with different models and options but mostly frustrated, with some lucky ones managing to have had success with a deep reset and special procedure by their dealership. Mine didn't work at Southend Audi and I'm running out of energy and enthusiasm, but being a retired Technical IT person I'm keen to understand what's going on because it is a purely software issue. I'm going to ask my dealership if I can take a look at their advice memo from central Audi support on this known problem. But I think they'll decline even if I offer to sign a Non-disclosure Agreement! On the car Setup program my "My Audi" login doesn't work, stopping with what it calls a "Technical Error". This happens either with a QR scan or a direct login on the touch screen. The dealership seem to think this doesn't matter as they set it up with a scratchcard but ... My Q3 loses settings about every 24 hours, but sometimes randomly a couple of times a day. Oddly, on the Bank Holiday weekend recently I had no MMI loss of settings for 3 days!, having done nothing special at all and we were at home but using the car ... then it all went t up again, back to the 24 hour cycle. At home the car has a poor signal on both the car LTE (1 or no bars) and my own mobile phone. Some places around here have no signal! Mick
  7. Thanks mate. I'll tell them on Monday. Give them something to do for the week!
  8. I've got a couple outstanding questions/options with them, but I'm mostly getting the stock answer of "update at the end of the year". So next stop UK Customer Service ...
  9. Oh dear. My saga continues I'm afraid. On Wednesday Southend Audi applied the same procedure to my car that was applied to Peter's. Mine is a Q3 Sport, Peter's is a Q3 Sport S line, I think. I had a Q3 S line last time but not this! Anyway, my fix was OK until the next day when I found that MMI had reset overnight exactly as before. It has repeated this 3 or 4 times now, so it definitely didn't work on mine and the Service Assistant Amy said it had been performed in exactly the same way as on Peter's (not sure if it was the same technician). Apparently, and this is third hand, they put the car into "sleep mode" which I presume is like an "engineers" mode in order to force in an update of some sort. I presume it's a temporary fix to something else. The story is that this secondary "fix" would normally be applied automatically with no problem during car down time, but something goes wrong, it's not applied and it leaves the MMI in a reset state. As I said, I got this third hand and it may be wrong or grossly over simplified. I put it here because I just wonder if anyone was told something similar. Not sure what to do next, just pondering at the moment. It's a pity we can't get hold of the internal Audi memo on this to review all the info first hand, but I guess that ist verboten!
  10. Thanks David (Snowman), My Q3 Sport is booked into Southend Audi next Wednesday 4th to have Peter's fix (or procedure) applied, first thing hopefully. I had told them about compensation being offered elsewhere and that seems to have focused their minds on this issue. They offered to book the car in earlier, but I need it to go here, there and everywhere until Wednesday. Still, yours and Peter's experiences seem very promising and I've been told that the same Technician that handled Peter's Q3 will do mine. Amy (service assistant who handled Peter's issue) and Michelle from Customer Service also wish to meet with me when I drop it off. Anyway, fingers crossed, I'll post my experience here. Mick
  11. Thanks for all the info Gordon, sorry they can't apply the fix on your A3. Thanks Peter, I'm glad your Q3 is still behaving itself! I just missed a call at 5:30 from Amy Batchelor at Southend Audi. Missed it by a second! In her voicemail she said she'd be there until 6 but wasn't at her desk when I finally managed to get somebody to answer at 5:40. I've emailed her and Michelle, my Audi CS contact. I'm expecting a call from Amy tomorrow to discuss Peter's Q3 fix! I want to know all about how and why it works on Peter's Q3 and hope it will be applied to mine ASAP. If not, I want money!! I'll keep you all posted.
  12. Hi guys, I'm still waiting for Southend Audi to book my car in for the same work performed on Peter's Q3. Bank Holiday weekend stalled things a bit. Peter, is your Q3 still working OK wrt MMI settings? I'm afraid my Q3 MMI is still resetting, but weirdly it did actually retain the settings for 3 days from last Friday until it reset on Monday morning and I had been using the car as normal over weekend. I thought a miracle had happened ... but then the wretched thing brought me back to reality. ☹. ... and yes it reset again this morning !
  13. Peter, sorry to be a pain, do you know if they changed your level of software in the car? Could you please photo the software levels from the Car settings if they have changed? My CS contact is talking to Amy now thanks.
  14. Thanks Peter, I have just sent this to my Customer Service contact. I'll give an update here as and when.
  15. Quick update on my meeting yesterday. Firstly, it did not work and my settings had disappeared last night about 9p.m. when I had to pop to the shop.☹ Southend Audi Customer Service lady could not find Peter's Q3 work on the 21st in the system but she was going to follow up with the workshop today. I wonder of Peter could give me a reference or something to pinpoint it. They had a lot of Q3s in for various on that day. She/we performed a new setup procedure on mine clearing everything back and setting me and my car back up on their system from scratch and re installing the My Audi app etc. But it didn't work. Peter, is your car still OK?
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