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Metalgaff last won the day on April 11 2021

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  1. Hello AJ, yes before I had a problem, I had 18inch Falken on the front, and Continental on the rear, I replaced the front and rear with Falken as I got good mileage with the fronts, regards, Peter.
  2. Hello, yes I did it was the tyres, although they wasn't worn right down probably 3 mm, they was found to be feathering, never had this issue before, but its apparently an issue with VW group Vehicles. So I would get the tyres looked at first, regards, Peter.
  3. Thanks for your reply , no my tyre centre didn't mention alignment check but I will contact to check, thanks for your advice. Regards, Peter.
  4. Hello, latest on the mystery noise coming from the above A3, found out that it was the rear tyres that although weren't worn down were feathering, thus making a droning sound when cruising, put new boots on and sounds great again. apparently its a common problem on all V.A.G group Vehicles.
  5. Hello, thanks for that advice, I'm in the process of having my wheels and tyres looked at, at my local garage, but thanks for your advice , regards, Peter. ( I will post when I get it sorted)
  6. Hello Gareth, yes will do , great advice, thanks, Peter.
  7. Hello, yes sorry, no different when changing gears , on cornering no difference, the only difference is deceleration say from the motorway, as I decelerate the sound diminishes as the vehicle slows , regards Peter.
  8. Hello Gareth, no I haven't had a good look , I've checked as much as I could by getting under the Vehicle, il'e definitely get the wheels checked at my local tyre centre, il'e keep you posted, thanks for your advice.peter.
  9. Hello Magnet, the sound comes as I increase speed , doesn't seem to be coming from the engine, could it be from gearbox, I'm not sure, I've looked at the wheels and they seem all ok, I'm at a loss to know what it is!! Sorry if my information is rather vague, its very difficult to explain the sound . Peter.
  10. Hello my A3 has developed a noise while cruising, sort of droning sound, more noise than tyre or surface running sounds, cars performance is all fine, any ideas of what it could be?? Thanks, Peter.
  11. Thanks a lot steve!!, regards Peter.
  12. Hello guys, any idea how to remove the above engine cover?
  13. Thank you steve for your view, regards Peter.
  14. Thank you Gareth will take your points in to consideration. Regards Peter.
  15. Hello all, I own a 2015 A3 1.4 TFSI, and is due for a cam belt change, I've had a quote from a local garage, i asked will you be changing the water pump as well as the belt, they said the water pump is not driven by the cam belt, and doesn't need to be replaced, is this true on this model? Many thanks, peter.
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