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  1. What is the best tester to use? I havnt got one as i just got others to do it. Maybe time i learned to do it
  2. At the time i had the fuses tested, didnt know which one for heated windows so just done them all, in front of the car and in the boot. None were blown. Didnt get window elements tested as didnt have time. Will maybe go down the path of changing the relay to see if that fixes the problem. If not then will have to get someone to check everything again. Will reply back when i get relay changed and if it fixes it or not. Thanks
  3. Havnt got round the issue of the rear window, but have juat been out in the car and heated side mirrors are not heating either. Are both on same circuit or is it it just a coincidence? Havnt had the need to use side mirror heaters until now, so not sure if they stopped working at same time as rear window
  4. Just had someone check all fuses with a meter and all seem ok. Also checked the connections at the window on each side but nothing when heater was turned on. Also didnt hear any click from the relay in the boot when heater was turned on
  5. Sorry fellas, just home from work. Had a look in passenger footwell fusebox as well, couple of 30amp and 40amp fuses in there but look to be ok. Dont have a fuse puller so dont want to use pliers to pull out the fuse. Have attached photo to show 40amp fuse in boot
  6. Yes i have a handbook and that pointed me to the fuse box in the boot. Checked all fuses except for one 40amp square fuse. Couldnt get it to pull out and didnt want to force it incase i damaged it
  7. Hi all, Rear window demister has stopped working. Trying to find the fuse to check it but not sure where to look in the boot for it, and what amp it is. Button is working and goes off at normal time interval. Cant see any breaks in the element either
  8. Thanks Gareth, Yes i think it has a 10mm allen head. Will give the dealer a ring today to get one sorted. Thanks for the reply
  9. Hi all, I have a 2016 A4 (B9) 2.0 TDI. Im going to change my oil and oil filter but have rung/stripped the head off the screw holding the expansion tank in place. Any tips on how to remove damaged screw and what size would i need for a replacement. Many thanks
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