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A6 newbie

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Everything posted by A6 newbie

  1. Thanks @FMOB agreed about keeping note of the changes as its hard to tell otherwise although I would say that I have tried the seat with many positions now and (having never had to really bother in cars before) and none seems to make a difference which I think makes sense as the whole point is that my hips start to hurt and then my whole back and neck go which is a really strong reaction to such a seemingly small detail ...which I suspect may be due to the pedal issue you mention but with that said this is obviously not affecting every A6 owner but I can't see what would be different between mine and others since the seat just sits on a rail which presumably is put in uniformly. Thanks to @mstv for giving me some hope ! Apart from the costs of the chiropractor and discomfort I love it as a car so really don't want to get rid of it or even know what I would want to buy if I did !
  2. thanks for that thought, seriously hadn't thought of that but to be honest the seats seem ok but I am going to do as you suggest and try the passenger seat whilst being driven around!
  3. Hi Mstv , thanks so much for sharing your experience which has at least given me a little hope that I won't have to get rid of the car . I will try again the lowered seat suggestion and I have played with lumbar support but mainly just to adjust it so I couldn't feel it at all but I will try that too. I do live near a motorway so that is an option and your final suggestion is the best as that will indicate whether it is A6 in general or just mine but I can't help thinking it is unlikely my seat is wrongly installed but you never know. The part of this story that really confuses me is, as I said that I have driven my old A4 for years and another A3 for hundreds of miles all over europe with np problem at all , is it really possible that Audi dropped the ball with a car of this quality and price ? Thanks.
  4. Hi all, this may or may not be similar to another post by Cortecs on pedal and footrest issues but as Im desperate I will start my own post in case anyone can help with an update. I have driven many types and makes of car and vans in my life , including a 2019 A3 all around europe last year all with no problems and without even bothering to adjust the seats. I have also driven my own A4 for 96k miles with no problem. Recently I decided to by an A6 s line , quattro which I really love except it really hates me! What happens is that after even a short time driving I start to get neck ache, hip ache which is then followed by a lot of dizziness once I have left the car. I have tried a wide range of seat adjustments to see what helps but no position seems to make any difference to the problem. Having done some research I have found some people complaining of offset pedals which may or may not be the issue so my question is has anyone got any ideas on what might cause such a strong reaction and if so then what is the solution ? It is so bad i haven't driven it for a week as advised by my chiropractor, any help or thoughts gratefully received as Im really keen to solve this problem) Many thanks.
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