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Tinyflier last won the day on December 9 2022

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    Lowton Lancs (Nr Manchester)
  • Audi Model
    RS4 Avant
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  1. Tinyflier


    Shell V-Power or Tesco Momentum. If I can't get either I "splash" a few litres of other fuel in until I can load up with either of my two preferred fuels.
  2. Have bought a pair of carbon exhaust trims and have been searching (and failed!) for info on how to fit! Can existing OEM trims be removed with diffuser/bumper in place? If no, can the diffuser be removed and bumper left in place? If no ... how do I remove the whole bumper assembly? David
  3. Usually VCDS or OBD11 can be used to turn this option on. Are you close to Royle Auto services in Bolton? If so, suggest you give him a call - he switched my dipping mirror on (2014 RS4) and fitted an auto boot closure module - good guy to deal with. David
  4. Yes there is, however, i don't know what the part name is! I had "something" (!) fitted by Royle Auto Services which means I can auto close the boot hatch using the key fob and also using the hatch open button in the driver's door. I recall Chris at Royle ordering a "black box" that is then itted inside the tailgate. Sorry I can't be more specific but I'd expect any good independent would be able to help. David
  5. AFAIK it is only the nearside mirror that tilts so as to give you sight of the kerbside when parking. Assumption is you will be parking on the passenger side, which is mandatory in many countries. David
  6. A set of unused paddle extensions for any Audi running V3 style paddles. Forged carbon material, these simply stick (VERY securely) to rear of existing paddles and give much more scope for hand placement on your wheel and keep your gearchange paddles within easy reach. Due to a mis-communication I have ended up with TWO sets hence the sale! Priced at £60 inc p&p for immediate despatch to UK address. Other addresses may need some discussion on p&p costs!
  7. I recently bought a full MMI update inc 2021 maps from a seller on Facebook. Came on 3 SDCards, one of which was an Activation Card. Took about an hour to run the full update and it worked perfectly. Cost - £58. David
  8. Am a bit OCD when it comes to adhering to manufacturers servicing schedules. Generally work on the principle that they set these for a reason and to be honest a DSG service isn't exactly a bank breaker is it.
  9. Car is going in for a DSG service next week, I'll have them check that out - cheers. David
  10. Had my RS4 Avant for 3 weeks (love it!) and for the first time today used the horn. I then looked round to see where Noddy was in his pedal car! is the horn really a feeble "peep" or is it a case that something is wrong with mine? David
  11. Tinyflier


    Keep in mind that my SatNav was already enabled, I was simply updating the MMI software and the maps. But you don't have much to lose if it doesn't work! It was the message on my system post update "Navigation is not enabled" that made me wonder if you could use the same route.
  12. Tinyflier


    I applied (today) an MMI s/w and maps update and when it had finished the Nav screen showed "Navigation is not enabled". I then ran the "activate" SDCard and (as expected), my SatNav then re-started as normal. Am not (entirely!) disputing what you have said but why would this not work on a setup that previously didn't have a fully working Nav system? Is there something more deeply rooted in the s/w that only Audi can access? David
  13. I have just last week bought a full set from carmats4u for my 2014 RS4 Avant I originally bought a set from Audi, but the quality was atrocious! Really thin ultra short pile so I rejected them. The ones from carmats4u are perfect. Thick pile, perfect fitment using the OEM floor "studs" and considerably cheaper too! Multiple options in terms of thickness, colours, can be customised with text or your own logo and arrived 2 days after I had placed my order. David
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