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    B8 Audi A4 Avant
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  1. Hey guys I recently had the dreaded oil pressure light come on at a stop light when engine was up to temp, I checked the oil level in the MMI and it said it was full, every time the light came on (low oil pressure) I would check the display and it was all okay. I had my OBD2 scanner plugged in and no codes, I checked throughout the day and no change, the next day it was reoccurring at every stop/ idle, I checked the oil level and it said low, the light came off and I checked again on the display and it was back to full, a few hours later there was no information about the oil, then it showed full only once again and then it hasn’t anymore to the date, I suspected a faulty oil pressure sensor so I went ahead and replaced it with a Duralast (brown) and it was still happening, I checked the sensor and it seemed like it was faulty and it was leaking as well, replaced it with a new one and it did the trick for about 45 minutes, I got a quart of oil in it and no lights on for about the same time but it came back on, although not as intermittent as before on every stop/ idle, it’s now doing it like every 2-3 stop/idles. I am now going to replace the blue sensor and hope for the best then tackle the oil level sensor below the oil pan, any ideas? PS:Oil was serviced beforehand and about the next day it started, also I did notice that the original pressure switch I replaced had two silver squares in it with a pin in the middle and a dot outside the housing, the new switch I got at AutoZone did not have the two squares in it (see photos for reference) it did had positive reviews including from someone the same year model as mine with no issues. I also reset the hood latch to make sure it wasn’t that.
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