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Everything posted by Najdurham

  1. Thanks Greg, Mine is Manual. At least the MMI is working well on this one
  2. Thanks Greg, I asked the dealer and they are not aware of it either. Never happened to me on any other car I drive but perhaps its just me. Is your manual?
  3. Sorry if this is also off topic. I am now finding my replacement A3 has the same issue as the one I rejected. The engine intermittently cuts out when approaching a standstill at junctions or slow traffic. Before I approach the dealer just wondered if anyone else had this on a 24/25 model year A3 It’s not the stop start as the car is still in gear and moving, clutch depressed. I have to restart by turning off the ignition then restarting
  4. My replacement A3 with udated software still going OK Regarding Alexa, I was unable to use my phone hotspot for data, car said it was not compatible or something like that. However, I went to the cubic site to buy some data just to have a play. I was surprised to find there was a free 1 year data package. I bought that for free and Alexa worked
  5. Hello Ted I tested mine yestersay and the VC does return to the date and time after being left at Nav and restarted. My replacement A3 has software version 4318 and only arrived at Tyne Dock just over a week ago. All radio settings are being retained
  6. Gordon, Newcastle Audi kept wanting to involve Audi but I insisted my contract was with them and not Audi plus I wanted the car rejected withing the 30 days. The way they replaced the car meant I had to buy the replacement and they bought the faulty one as a trade in. Don’t know how they manipulate the figures but has cost me nothing. I am just waiting for the cash back now as I had paid off, the PCP in the 14 day cooling off period but had to take it back out in order to claim the discount again. Ted, I will check the VC to see if it retains settings At the moment I am unable to sign it to Alexa because No Network. Not sure what network it needs as the rejected car did not have this issue
  7. After rejecting the original A3, I collected my replacement A3 from Newcastle Audi on Saturday. The faulty car had software version 4143, the replacement has 4318. So far MMI is working as expected. The engine cutout issue when slowing for lights and junctions has not occurred either. I will wait a few more days before I am sure all is OK
  8. Just thought it worth a try as the Factory reset done by the dealer hadn’t worked. I paid off my PCP in the 14-day cooling off period so no £700 for me, however I am getting a replacement car and the refund of the car tax plus a 2-year service plan. If the new car has the issue, and I am sure it will, I'll try the factory reset myself. Another reason I wanted to replace the car, at least a couple of time each week, when slowing for lights, a junction or in slow traffic I have found the engine cuts out. To restart I have to turn off the ignition by pressing the stop button then starting again as normal. The car is a manual. At first, I put it down to not being familiar with the car but I have never had this sort of issue on my previous two A3s. Anyone any suggestions? It’s not the stop/start as the car is still in gear, the clutch is depressed and the car is still rolling.
  9. I tried this; it didn't work for me. The previous two attempts by the dealer didn't work either. They have now agreed to replace the car, just waiting a date to collect it. Hopefully the Audi workaround will work on the replacement
  10. Thanks Gordon & Mick. There appears to be no reason it should not work on mine too
  11. Newcastle Audi have now advised me that the temporary fix applied to my car is now the permanent fix and there will be no December update. They have had 2 attempts at mine without success. Before I have a go myself and revert to factory settings, could someone let me know the version of the MMI software that seems to be working. Mine is currently 3A.22-233200.. Thanks
  12. Hello Greg I'm on 4143 too. Is the fix you got from Audi Customer Service still working for you? If so I'll try giving them a call
  13. Perhaps Newcastle Audi and not applying this temporary fix correctly, they had two attempts with mine, the first one had made things worse
  14. Update. I collected my A3 from Newcastle Audi on Friday PM after leaving it with them overnight. I reset the MMI and my phone and set off home. The phone no longer had my call history which had worked OK before the reset at the dealers. All was fine for 3 or 4 restarts over the next few hours. Later that evening I went to put the car in the garage and there was the longer boot up and no favourites. Emailed Newcaste Audi and asked for a replacement car. Sales manager says he will call me today with my options. MMI is showning version 4143. The loan Q2 I has was 4142 and that seemed to be OK
  15. Update I took the car to Newcastle Audi and waited 90 at the showroom. I had no opportunity to speak with the technician. The service reception lady said it was ready and gave me the keys. I asked if it would need setting up with my acount and she said it would. To cut a long story short the MMI was even worse and would not boot up, she want and got the technician. After lots of messing about turning on and off the ignition and opening doors, I was told the battery would need to be disconnected overnight and I was sent on my way with a loan Q2. Most of an afternoon wasted and I still have to go back to collect my A3.. When I checked the car in I was told the fix was only temparory and may only last a couple of weeks I decided to set the Q2 up with my account and set some radio favourites. This morning they were still set, maybe this Q2 has no problems, it's on version 4142. I'm not sure what my A3 is on So tempted to reject my A3 as it is only 10 days old
  16. Mine booked in to Newcastle Audi on Thursday to have the "temporary" fix applied. I was also told the permanent fix will ne available in December. I will report my finding. So tempted to reject the car if the temp fix does not work but don'r want to levae myself without a car. If I keep it I will be contacting Audi Customer Service re compensation
  17. Took delivery of my A3 S LIne on 2 September. I have this issue too. I have told the dealer Newcastle Audi I will consider rejecting the car if it is not sorted quickly. Hopefully there are aware of the Audi technical buleting with the possible fix
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