Just thought it worth a try as the Factory reset done by the dealer hadn’t worked. I paid off my PCP in the 14-day cooling off period so no £700 for me, however I am getting a replacement car and the refund of the car tax plus a 2-year service plan. If the new car has the issue, and I am sure it will, I'll try the factory reset myself.
Another reason I wanted to replace the car, at least a couple of time each week, when slowing for lights, a junction or in slow traffic I have found the engine cuts out. To restart I have to turn off the ignition by pressing the stop button then starting again as normal. The car is a manual. At first, I put it down to not being familiar with the car but I have never had this sort of issue on my previous two A3s. Anyone any suggestions? It’s not the stop/start as the car is still in gear, the clutch is depressed and the car is still rolling.