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    Q5 3.0 V6 TDI S-Line
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  1. Fair. Have abandoned it for now. But the refund will likely sit and go towards someone like hazzydays who can get it all sorted on the spot. It can wait until next year now lol
  2. Yeah. Wish I could pay someone that speaks matrix locally to assist me lol. Gonna try something shortly. If that fails I'll put the cruise control on hold for a while and put the basic stalks back in
  3. What's the BCM? Are they expensive? I appear to have no horn. Or working MFSW buttons now lmao. And the VCDS wasn't as easy as YouTube let on
  4. Have swapped the stalks over for cruise control stalks, the part numbers were a direct match that I could see on the part. Have 4 codes not clearing on my cheapy scanner. And no steering wheel controls at all... which is odd as everything is plugged in I believe. Getting it scanned with VCDS tomorrow
  5. Hoping I got lucky. It's for around my year. And it was a reasonable price. It's currently in the car and the correct cruise control surround is due any day
  6. I have an Audi Concert stereo in my 2011 Q5. Is there an upgrade to that along the OEM lines for ease of plug and play? Thanks in advance.
  7. Preach! Gonna be picking brains soon on adding cruise control. I have some stalks. And I'm happy to 'modify' my steering cowl due to the apparent rarity for one in my year lmao... But I'll need guidance to activate it on vcds etc
  8. Yeah. Have a ordered one from a VAG spares place. It's on its way currently. At least I know where it is now lmao. Satan himself decided where to install that !Removed! buzzer lol
  9. Good to know @Steve Q Been helpful so far!
  10. So... have managed to fight my way to the buzzer and swap it out. To find I still have the same issue. Is it worth buying legit from VW/Audi? Grabbed one off Amazon.
  11. Cheers lol. I know what it looks like. Knowing my luck it's in the worst possible position. Will do what I can to document it for others
  12. No worries. Will start with the easier option and try my luck lol
  13. Hi there. It's one of the 2 internal buzzers. I know there is one on the rear pillar over the tail light. And there is a front one around the dash under the steering wheel area. But various sources have that located in a few places. It's stopped my whole parking assist system from working.
  14. Hi there. I was wondering if I could get some guidance. Scan shows my front buzzer has an open circuit/short. I have the part. I'm more trying to track down the location on a 2011 Q5. Have seen an array of different possibles... And then... the easiest way to access said location lol. Have seen a few images through Google.. but they all come with different methods and locations. Thanks so much in advance!!
  15. Hi peeps. Just picked up a stunning chocolate brown Q5. 3.0 V6 TDI S-Line. Absolutely in love with it and just on a mission to fix a couple of niggles lol Just turned 42, living on the Essex, Cambridge and Suffolk borders.
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