Can I ask, is anyone else having issues with the Audi App not connecting to the car.
I really use the app for things like,
Warming car car before getting in.
Getting Notifications if one of the kids has not shut the door correctly or boot left open.
Now the app works at best half the time, says it can not connect to the car but when I get in the car and start the car it connects straight away.
Also getting a notification of any door etc being left open appears to not be a feature either, come on Audi this really is not the 1960's, Kia has been doing this for years, are you saying the Korean manufactures are better then you?
I called the dealer and they claim no one else has this issue with any other Audi model.
So I wonder, is this issue because we have the new designed Q6 or does others with other models of Audi have the same issue.
Starting to become a pain not having access to the car for those simple things.
Sorry all, rant over. 😠