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Everything posted by Oldnuff

  1. Don’t know for sure but think so
  2. That’s the same response I and others had. To further matters you’ll need some evidence and lacking proof that it’s not acceptable best to gather details of others affected. This is not a confidential medium. My Q2 seems to be behaving itself now and I hope it stays that way. It was always an infrequent and random event. I often deactivate the stop/start system now by the way.
  3. I began this thread on "cutting out" issues as a request for info on what seemed to be a continuing problem. It's always been very infrequent and for whatever reason it's not happening now. Both Cardiff Audi and Audi UK say that as they can't see or replicate the issue there's nothing they can do. I like the Q2. It meets my needs in every way. Style, room, performance and handling. After a lifetime of working in consumer matters I know proof of faults is needed to pursue things. I'm going to have to end my input here. If anyone else is still experiencing issues and lacking proof of fault then I suggest the thing to do is look for others in the same situation and use numbers of those affected to progress things.
  4. Anyone on here had a response from their dealer or Audi UK that they would like to share?
  5. Is this a wider problem for VW Audi? Skoda use much the same mechanicals. Read this for a Skoda Karoq - it’s a genuine link https://www.briskoda.net/forums/topic/521243-15-tsi-power-cutting-out/?do=findComment&comment=5829419
  6. Those issues sound similar but happening much more frequently than those I'm experiencing. The Audi response is the same. It's unlikely anyone will be able to demonstrate the actual failure as they ask if as in my case it's completely random. I guess the "numbers" game could do that though. The more people report it the more evidence there is. My previous car was an A3 150 TFSI, again with no problems at all over 8 years. May I ask what engine variant you have? Others on this forum all have the 35 TFSI. Another issue that whilst in itself does not impact on safety is that of the gear shift indicator showing ">N" for neutral. The ">" is supposed to recommend a change of gear. Typically on the first short journey on any day it doesn't appear at all. On later or longer journeys it usually but not always does, again randomly, and sometimes halfway through a gear change in lower gears - typically 3 to 2 or as the car comes to a stop. Possibly irrelevant. Definitely inconsistent. Page 23 of the Q2 manual says ">N: This is displayed in place of the current gear. Put the gear lever in neutral and take your foot off the clutch pedal. The engine will be switched off automatically". When using the stop start that's also what you do isn't it. So if switched off in this context means literally that doesn't that mean the engine is DESIGNED to lose power when that shows? That could lead to a very worrying place. I raised that point with customer services at Audi yesterday. Waiting for a response. Stay safe.
  7. Apparently FOUR Q2 35 TFSI owners have come forward with the same issue to Cardiff Audi. Any news from anyone else?
  8. Audi carrying out a further “independent” assessment of my Q2 using a different engineer. Also at Cardiff Audi on 9th December. No “cut out” instances since last report. I’ve mentioned the gear shift indicator to them and a very faint electronic hum that fades in and out. Neither of these are issues I’m worried about and just wondered if they are linked.
  9. Sounds familiar. How old is your car? There were recognised problems allegedly solved with a software update in 2018/2019.
  10. Good. Hope they sort it or at least come up with an answer.
  11. Update. Still none the wiser. However I’ve raised it with Audi Uk and expect a reply within 2 days. Audi Cardiff say they have had no one else reporting anything similar (engine cut-out). Do you think now would be a good time to raise your experience? Dylan Davies is the manager dealing with it. I’ve told them there is someone else with the same issue but not said who or where. regards Brian
  12. We’re both dealing with Cardiff Audi then. A “new” development or at least one I only noticed for the first time on the way back from Cardiff Audi. When changing gear in 1st, 2nd or 3rd the “Gear Shift Indicator” on the dash would flash >N (neutral) as the gear lever passes neutral up or down between 1, 2 or 3. That happened even though there was no hesitation and the change was smoothly carried out at a normal speed of operation. Used car today for first time since. Drove almost 20 miles to Raglan Garden Centre and it didn’t happen at all until we had a mile or two to go. Happened on and off on the way home. After getting back unloaded car and then test drove around Blaenau Gwent for 20 minutes. It happened quite often but not always. Most often when changing from 3rd to 2nd at junctions. Have you noticed anything like that? Worth reading about gear shift indicator on P.23 of manual. Briefly if >N shows and you use neutral and release clutch the engine switches off. So is this something to do with the problem we have? Brian
  13. To reiterate the issues I’m experiencing I have had five incidents since buying my Q2 35 TFSI new a year ago. The first happened when the car rolled without engine power onto a busy roundabout as I took my foot off the brake. Pumping clutch and accelerator had no effect. Scary! Luckily I had enough time to restart engine. My local dealership looked at car again yesterday but could find no error codes when interrogating car’s memory. The message “drive system inoperative- please restart engine“ on central dash in latest incident is a driver information message and not an error code. Discussed info on P.89/90 of the car’s handbook with master technician who said that he thought that “driving style” (see manual P89) meant certain situations could result in “overwhelming” the software system and the engine cutting out. He couldn’t specify which situations. He did say that he has seen other similar issues none of which were pursued. The service manager was keen to understand situation and five incidents in one year was accepted as cause for concern. They will report it to Audi UK and that I could do the same. He thought 10 such reports would generate proper investigation and action by Audi. Other affected owners should do the same. Isolated reports would be unlikely to prompt any action. By the way I think that where there are two or more drivers of a car then there would potentially be two “driving styles”, two reportable incidents and a very strong case.
  14. Interesting. Let’s see what they say on Wednesday.
  15. As you say it comes as a complete surprise. Have you had any messages on the dash. On my last issue whilst on flat ground in traffic a text message on the central screen read something like “drive system inoperative - please restart the engine”. Given that the first time this happened it rolled forward onto a roundabout does this mean the drive system is disengaged? Only just thought of that. It was a shock at the time so I didn't know what was happening and just needed to get out of the way
  16. Those were my thoughts exactly. I’ll copy this to Audi Cardiff where I have an appointment with service staff on Wednesday.
  17. Booked in for diagnostic test
  18. Random engine cut out at junctions. On one occasion car started rolling into busy roundabout through engine cut out after waiting in first gear with clutch in. Any details of similar experience welcomed
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