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  1. Just a quick update. I've ended up ordering a S3 Saloon Vorsprung. I'm hoping it arrives before the end of the year. Thanks for your advice. ☺️
  2. I had a look online last night and the SQ3 doesn't seem to exist anymore. And I definitely don't want an RSQ3. The A4 is getting phased out for an electric version and you can only buy cars that have already been manufactured. And there are no S4s available. I'll take the S3 out for a test drive and have asked if I could have the Q3 for an extended period of time (over a weekend if possible). I'll keep you posted. Thanks!
  3. Thanks Steve. I am going to take the S3 out for a test drive. I just kind of feel that I already know that I love it. I think the SQ3 might be too pricey. I also read somewhere that this might be the last S3 they make.... Is that true? Does anyone know? And if I get the S3, would the lack of adaptive suspension really make much of a difference? Thanks again. It's a good problem to have, I think. Just frustrating.
  4. Hi I need some advice. I owned an S3 that I bought new in late 2017. I loved that car. I had stepped up from a Ford Focus 1.6 so it was a huge leap. I kept the S3 until April 2023 when the gear box starting going and I ended up in a BMW M240i. The BMW is nice enough but has never stirred my soul. It is also wildly impractical. My parents are going to be visiting from abroad next year and there is no way I'm going to be able to get them into the car. So. I'm going to replace it and am going back to Audi. My question is this. Do I go for the S3 saloon black edition again (I can't get a Vorsprung as apparently there is a problem with manufacturing them so would have to go without the adaptive suspension which I had in my last one) or do I go for something completely different and go for the Q3 4.0 or 4.5 Black edition. I'd get the Tech pro pack on both of them. I took the Q3 for a test drive yesterday but it's really difficult to tell with just 20 minutes. It was good being back in an Audi. And I found the Q3 very manoeuvrable compared to my BMW. I'm just really worried that I go for the Q3 and then regret it because it's not going to be thrilling. Any words of wisdom? I'm keeping this secret from my husband as he's a BMW fan and I don't want to get BMW propaganda for the next month or so. I plan to simply arrive home with a new car. I should mention that I find the BMW a big, heavy car and difficult to park. Thanks in advance! Shadow
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