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    Near Bournemouth
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    A6 Avant BiTDi Black Edition
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  1. Hi bylica I have an A6 Black Edition Avant Biturbo. Great car. I agree with you about the looks! Probably not a lot of help for you as I have air suspension. With this the ride is fine. Previously I had an A6 with 17" wheels, and one of the differences between the two is that the steering is just a little bit meatier at speed, and for me that is worth having. Good hunting.
  2. My 2012 S-line was on steel springs, my 2015 Avant is on air suspension. If you have the opportunity try air suspension, for me it is far better. Also the 2012 did not have a powered tailgate, the 2015 one has. Not sure when the change over came in. Parking sensors are standard.The rear view camera was a relatively expensive option in 2015, from memory ~£1K. I prefer the S-line sports seats over the standard SE version, but we are all built differently! Standard music is good enough, Bose is very slightly better if you can get it. Not much else I can offer really. My 2015 Avant is a Biturbo, now that is definitely worth having!
  3. Strange, I have just tried it on mine and the lights do not turn on at night (now) with the 'off' selection selected. Have I mis-understood your question?
  4. Try going to 'Systems', 'Vehicle Settings', 'Exterior Lighting' where you can check or uncheck lights on when unlocking. And on mine that is with the lights set to auto, which would explain the difference in behaviour between day time and night time.
  5. I don't mean to be picky, but what do you mean by Semi-Automatic? Is it S tronic (dual clutch), tiptronic (torque converter auto) or 6 speed manual? I am assuming from what you said before that it is one of the first two. That being the case, I would watch carefully for a repetition of the problem, It MAY indicate an ECU issue, and in any case you would want the cause identified before the warranty runs out; it may take a while to diagnose!
  6. You do not state what model you have, is it the dual clutch or the torque converter auto. However, having owned A6s with both types of gearbox, the behaviour you describe is not normal. The operation of the handbrake normally has no effect on gear selection, or even as in your case, gear de-selection. You need to take advice on this; given the age of the car my first stop would be my main dealer.
  7. I thought the Macan as good as all the press said, good handling, nicely finished (almost as good as an Audi ;)) and good engines. The TDi was a little ho-hum for me, probably as it was the same engine as I had in my Audi of that time, but the petrol (non turbo) engine was very enjoyable. However, Audi have nothing on Porsche for a full and pricey options list. I got to £70K on the non-turbo petrol without trying, very similar options on the BiTDi coming to a lot less. Being a high riding SUV there was enough lift and dive under acceleration and braking to cause my 19 yr old to be slightly travel sick, something he is not normally prone to. Hence the BiTDi. Pics of the BiTDi to follow once I have washed it :P
  8. Hi, Just run in my third A6 Avant, this time a new A6 Avant BiTDi, and loving it. Even acceptable to the missus, unlike the Macan I tried. I hope that this forum is more active than some others that purport to be for Audi owners. Registered on the .co.uk site and the Mary Celeste was probably more active and tried twice to join the group on Facebook, and nothing. Any other BiTDi owners on here?
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