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    A3 sline 170bhp
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  1. Just replaced boost solenoid, made no difference 😕 if I stick a vacuum pump on the actuator it does move freely but I hear a small hiss down the back near turbo somewhere. Not sure what that could be and I'm stuck for ideas now.
  2. I've ordered an adapter to plug laptop in, I'm researching software to take a look at any codes. I see vcds is mentioned alot, might give that a download and see what it's about. Hopefully it's like bmw's Ista d and the like. As for type of actuator it's this one in picture.. also where does those pipes and solenoid mount? My brother must have had issues at some point but can't see anywhere obvious and flapping about isn't good lol
  3. Hi there, I can't seem to fit my obd2 reader to the car, seems socket is slightly different.. There's no mil light but I know that doesn't mean codes are not in the system. I'm sure I can hear a small vac leak but can't find where it is. Gonna check the actuator solenoids with brake bleed vac pump see if I can find something.. wish I had a diagram of the system so I could tick off bits.
  4. Thanks for the reply mate. Ya probably right but it's still not working...hope nit isn't the turbo being dead but surely if that was the case I'd have some serious smoking issues?
  5. Hi guys, all not a sudden turbo is not working. There's no smoke or anything but the spooling isn't happening and there is a loss of power. There was a vacuum pipe on back of engine near the top which has come off before causing the same issue but I've checked the pipes and all seem fine. When I remove that specific pipe it pisses for a second so there's vacuum there. I did not on the turbo actuator or wategate? Has some oil on it but does seem to move ok when I apply force by hand. Any ideas or advice welcome, I miss the whistle and wind down when I turn car off and of course the 170 plus bhp hehe
  6. Those after market susoension kits that lower suspension and give better damping effects. Can they be used without lowering? Or ?
  7. I have but got lost as not 100% I'm looking at right parts for my car. For example I've seen susoension kits talk about fitting 2 different top mounts for same car. Suspension is tired, so il thinking at the least new springs shocks top mounts on front and maybe a set of bushings all round. Car rides bumpy lop Thanks for your response mate.
  8. Guys know where I can get the right parts diagrams with oem part numbers for this car ? I keep turning up USA ones but not sure if there right for my car?
  9. Sorry fir delayed response, been working alot... Thanks for the reply guys, turns out I figured out my audi is an 8pa. What ever that means lol... I'm probably gonna go with febi shocks just as most other kits I've seen are mostly for lowering which I wouldn't want to do.. so I'm going to quote up some shocks springs and top mounts as a start and go from there... also seen some framework kits on net but seem a bit cheap as a kit for what they are intended for. Still not sure on if there's laptop software out there but il keep searching. Cheers.
  10. Hi guys, just joined forum after buying my brothers 08 audi a3 sline 2.0 td 179bhp. I've never owned an audi and so far love the drive. I have a few pretty dumb questions I could use answering if possible as I'm audi ignorant. 1) on net looking for parts I see a few different a3's labeled as 8p, 8pa etc and others.. what does this mean and how can I determine which my car is? 2) does audi have diagnostic software like the BMW ista / inpa etc you can use to get a more detailed diagnostics, run tests and program features in, if for example If i added electric mirrors or something like that? 3) my brother did alot of maintenance on car but the only thing it definately needs is suspension refurbishment due to age. I'm guessing at the least new shocks and springs and maybe bushings. So is there any recommendations for parts and or a decent place to get correct part number for my variant of car? Thank you in advance Dave
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