Hi guys, just joined forum after buying my brothers 08 audi a3 sline 2.0 td 179bhp.
I've never owned an audi and so far love the drive.
I have a few pretty dumb questions I could use answering if possible as I'm audi ignorant.
1) on net looking for parts I see a few different a3's labeled as 8p, 8pa etc and others.. what does this mean and how can I determine which my car is?
2) does audi have diagnostic software like the BMW ista / inpa etc you can use to get a more detailed diagnostics, run tests and program features in, if for example If i added electric mirrors or something like that?
3) my brother did alot of maintenance on car but the only thing it definately needs is suspension refurbishment due to age. I'm guessing at the least new shocks and springs and maybe bushings.
So is there any recommendations for parts and or a decent place to get correct part number for my variant of car?
Thank you in advance