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    South Lanarkshire
  • Audi Model
    A3 Saloon
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  1. Hello all, I recently purchased a new A3 and I must admit I am missing having keyless entry that I had on my old car. Does anyone have any idea if Audi offer this after market and if they do then a rough idea how much it is? I should’ve just done the upgrade when building the car. Thankyou
  2. Yeah that’s all I could find too but my phone links through to the CarPlay and mmi automatically even though I have the phone box light which was why I was wondering if I was missing something else.
  3. Hi all, I’ve recently purchased an Audi A3 and it has phone box light… can anyone tell me the difference between phone box light and phone box? thanks
  4. That’s not an option unfortunately it’s 400 miles away from the dealership I used
  5. Yeah it is
  6. Hello, I purchased my Audi less than a week ago and it’s already saying there is a sat nav update but I can’t for the life of me work out how to update it…. Any help would be appreciated!
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