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    A4 avant
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  1. I’ve been told that now wouldn’t work on mine as the light keeps coming back on, and because I’m not mechanicaly minded myself it’s still quite a costly job to even remove it and of like you it still needs replacing that will get very expensive very quick haha.
  2. Yes so maybe a second hand one would be the option as brand new ones are quite pricey. With the re map would that work or would it be to far gone now for that to work? It was over a year ago I had some work done to it and I then managed to clear it and was ok for about 5 months and now it’s back and unless I do a long drive on motorways, which I do quite a bit for work, it will just clog up and the light comes up. Then I do the 20 min driving at 2500 rpm and it clears again but this is becoming a pain having to keep doing it.
  3. Hi everyone. i have had my Audi A4 avant for a while now and when i brought it i did have it re mapped as being a 2.0tdi auto was a bit sluggish. Few weeks later the particulate filter light appeared and ive spent alot on garages apparently clearing it for me and buying all the different cleaners till wuite a while later still having the same issues abd being told now its to far gone to clean, and being quoted anywhwre from £800-£2000 for this to be fixed. Does anyone have any advice on this and how much it should cost? do i buy an ebay special or a second hand one or have mine removed and fixed or buy a brand new one? Or is there a way around all of that as i know alot of the cost of the job would be labor due to its location but have now spent quite a bit already to have it fixed and to be told it hasnt worked etc so reluctant to spend more any advice would be much appreciated as its been going on a while and its very frustrating having to drive around for hours trying to clear it when the light appears.
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