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    Mexborough UK
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  1. They are the 3rd party insurer
  2. I tried talking with the insurers this morning. They have said that they side with the repairer and also say I have to cover the cost of any further investigative work and only then if I am proved correct will they act upon it. Looks like I may have to go down the legal route.
  3. It was through the other person's insurance, but yes.
  4. My A3 has recently been to a repair centre after being damaged jn an accident. The repair centre have fixed the damage but since then I have had various other faults occur, all leading back to the body control module. The repair centre caused water ingress when replacing one light cluster which I believe has caused the fault with the BCM - I am looking for anyone that is able to help me out before I lose my mind woth the garage.They are stating that I have to get it independently checked before they will admit liability to it, which is going to cost me and I really don't want that cost this close to Christmas...
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