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  1. I used to live and work there years ago and missing the lifestyle a lot decided to move back and catch up with a few good friends and shared interests, whilst carrying on working as usual via Skype etc. which wasn't an option back then....
  2. Yes sorry didn't make it clear....
  3. Thanks yes definitely a great buy and long since those days decided never to part with it, if only I could find another identical one to get an idea for insurance purposes but none of them know either !! I even emailed Ingolstadt's Classic Dept but never got a reply, perhaps they don't know too ! Really frustrating but it's getting so interesting.... ! :D
  4. Much the same and still in dry storage. I bought it in about 1994 for £50 as I liked the style etc. and ran it until 2005 when I laid it up to restore one day taking the pics up on Exmoor just before the MOT ran out. I got a friend to put up the pics on photobucket as I'm hopeless at that sort of thing. I also had the Panhard when I was working in France in the Seventies which was a great little runabout now sold. And my first 100 a GL5E I bought in about 1987 but was too rusty in the end so gave it to the same friend who's still got it but it's pretty far gone now so only good for spares. Any idea of the100 CS's value ? http://s281.photobucket.com/user/Audi100fan/library/?sort=3&page=1
  5. In all the excitement I forgot to ask about my other type 43 in storage for years, a 1982 100CS and if you've any info on it as I've never seen another one....?
  6. Great thanks James I wouldn't have had a clue where to start, looks a nice example too. I've noticed that in all the pics shown the paintwork after so long is really excellent but what about underneath re corrosion etc ? For the record 1 Swedish Mil is 10 kilometers so roughly 160,000 kms making it about 125,000 miles. Also as a rough rule of thumb it's about 75% of Skr 40,000 for £s (Skr 13.22 = £1) so about £3000 making it a bit more expensive by comparison to buy over there than here I would guess. I deliberately started looking around very early to get an idea of all the model options first as I'm hoping to leave around October time, and being in Devon it's obviously far easier and quicker to fly from Exeter to Edinburgh then Air Norway to Oslo finally train to the Uddevalla area which is about 75 - 100 miles south of the Norwegian border, so Gothenburg wouldn't be much further. Returning to the UK with a Swedish reg car I don't think would a problem either (though not sure how long one is allowed to drive here....?), as there's an overnight container port at Larvik south of Oslo to Immingham, however I think the real problem is how to approach it all without seeing and test driving the car first ! Thanks really useful to talk it all through with an expert however I guess I'm still keen on your original suggestion of a low mileage, one or two owners hopefully,180PS version :) Google Translate works pretty well I've found....
  7. Fantastic value and exactly what I'm looking for ! But oh dear I forgot to say that I'll be living in Sweden for most of the year, so it must be left hand drive and bought over there to avoid the horrendous Import duty and why buying it from a Swedish dealer means it's already on Swedish plates, MOT'd and therefore road legal to use straight away. But so cheap for such a great car .... I want one now ! Thank you indeed !! :D
  8. Hi James Thanks for the welcome and very useful information. I wasn't sure about the exact model but just chose the 2.8 being top of the range, so your suggestion of the 1.8T quattro 180PS version and all its advantages sounds the best bet and the one to go for. Unfortunately I can't seem to find any pictures of it and if there's an estate version with the same shape and styling as in my earlier picture. I hope to be moving up to Sweden again after selling my current car, after many years absence in a few months where there'll obviously be a lot of snow and ice, and one of the main reasons why I wanted a four-wheel-drive, the idea being to let the local dealer know what I'm looking for in plenty of time. It might not be the most cost-effective way of doing things but it's the simplest and quickest knowing that I've always got them to fall back on if anything breaks.... !
  9. Hi really pleased to have found your forum ! :) I'd like to get some help and advice please before looking around to buy, what I think was the top of the range at the time (????), the really beautifully designed (see pic at bottom) Audi A4 Avant 2.8 30V Quattro, also as in the link below, definitely not liking the shape of the later models at all as the front of the cars were for me far too bulbous and bulky. So for me it's all about the style of this particular model that's important plus being an Audi of course ! http://www.topcarguide.com/modification/1202/avant-28-30v-quattro No idea of prices and what problems to look for at all but obviously being now about 14/15 years old finding a good low mileage one that's been carefully looked after is not going to be easy. I'm also very interested in learning to drive a Quattro anyway as I used to own a 1981'ish Type 43 which were I gather the test beds for the original works rally Quattros. However I'd much rather buy an older model viewing it economically as a long term running restoration, rather than a later model even if it was a good design when you think about the initial outlay then the cost of new parts on top, compared to a much lower initial outlay to begin with then adding on the cost of new parts. I would guess there would start to be a substantial percentage saving after two or three years especially when added to the steeper decline in value of the later model than the earlier one. On top of which by that time you'd be getting the reliability benefits of the running restoration of the earlier model as well. Hope someone can help.... Thanks in advance :)
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