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Audi Owners Club.

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Audi Owners Club. last won the day on December 21 2024

Audi Owners Club. had the most liked content!

About Audi Owners Club.

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  • Gender
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    Cars, Bikes, Le Mans 24 Hours, Historic Racing
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  • Audi Model
    A4 1.9 TDI
  • Audi Year

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Audi Owners Club.'s Achievements

Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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Community Answers

  1. The invoice has now been removed as requested by the OP
  2. Here is a link to a really good informative video on how to carry out and interpret the test and results
  3. That's now been changed for you 🙂
  4. I can send you the list of affected IP addresses that it is pinging off.....one was preventing you from registering in the first place. Nord is probably a better one to go with I would think
  5. Hi Gary It appears you are using a VPN and the IP addresses it is choosing are heavily spammed, therefore the spam filters (are quite rightly) protecting the site. Unfortunately, this is the reason you are experiencing issues with posting....but at least the posts have now been filtered and being approved as genuine
  6. That issue should now be sorted and have entered your name in your profile for you
  7. UPDATE! Please find attached your club label (link below) – Please ensure that you print this label and display it in the windscreen upon entry to the event, this ensures that all members wishing to park within your club area are directed to the correct parking location by our stewards. Please do not modify or add logos to the club label. Audi Owners Club A.pdf We do ask that all individuals have purchased their tickets on an individual basis in advance via our website, to speed up the entry process on the day. This can be done on our website here until 2pm on the day when admission closes * Tickets are per person, so please ensure that all persons arriving are covered by a ticket. Please note, we do ask clubs to arrive by 10.30am and if members have not arrived by then club spaces will be allocated to general participant parking.
  8. Tickets can still be purchased and make sure you state Audi Owners Club when booking
  9. On their way to you today 🙂
  10. Anymore for the show? Got to let Beaulieu know the number of cars from this club attending the show....last chance to put your name down for the main event!
  11. Sorry for the delay, was at the Le Mans 24 hours race, but the stickers have now been dispatched to you
  12. Will certainly look into that Gareth....I'm sure we're not the only forums to have members ghost the site once they have read the response. Also, wonder whether many members use the email to register but not always visit their mailbox to check for responses
  13. Members can opt to receive notifications depending on their preferences....mostly when they post a thread or reply then they will get a notification
  14. Event update from Beaulieu Motor Museum
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