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Audi Owners Club.

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Everything posted by Audi Owners Club.

  1. Hi Guv Maybe worth checking the Coolant Temperature Sensor (CTS) as these can fail and lead to the symptoms you are describing Cheers Trevor
  2. Hi Kevin...welcome to the Forum! I would definitely start with replacing the missing spring and see how you get on but otherwise it sounds like the anti-roll bar links (see link for details) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/191562795121?clk_rvr_id=1067844523107&item=191562795121&lgeo=1&vectorid=229508&rmvSB=true Let us know how you get on Cheers Trevor
  3. Agree with what you're saying there...it seems too cheap. I was looking for a similar power upgrade on my Honda CR-V and found one that just changes the pulsing of the injectors to produce better economy / power benefits. Not sure whether it is beneficial to the long term reliability of the engine. Would rather pay more for a complete re-map to change a range of parameters in the ECU to gain improved output....e.g BlueFin
  4. Hi Wayne...welcome to the Forum! Personally, I'm not sure whether it is a straight swap but hopefully some other members may have the answer...if not its probably a case of try it and see. Let us know how you get on with it Cheers Trevor
  5. Hi Vincent What are the symptoms? Has the tyres been changed recently or anything that can affect the four wheel drive system? Cheers Trevor
  6. Only managed to visit Nurburgring and Spa as there was lots of delays due to terrorist attacks in Germany at the weekend However, roads were amazing and totally empty...great roads for biking or throwing a sportscar around sweeping bends and switchbacks
  7. Hi Iain...welcome to the Forum! Did you manage to acquire an Audi yet, noticed you were looking at one on Saturday? Regards Trevor
  8. I have never used this company so cannot comment on their service but it may be worth contacting them to find out more http://www.nationalvehicleinspections.com/
  9. They're getting quite collectible now...surprised you haven't shifted it yet
  10. Sounds like you did your research and came to the correct conclusion
  11. I don't believe they were ever wired up from the factory for reverse cameras. There are some aftermarket suppliers that can provide the kit to wire it in Try Maplins for one that is universal and quite reasonably priced
  12. I don't think you do as it is a direct replacement component Let us know how you get on with it
  13. You could try wrapping some PTFE tape around the thread of the blanking plug before refitting. I'm also wondering if it could be because it has two o rings and it maybe should only have 1 o ring fitted? Red o'ring usually signifies it is suitable for higher temperatures (Viton material) Let us know how you get on with it
  14. Hi Ben I have read before that the units tend to fail and also recall that there are plenty used ones available at a reasonable cost...maybe worth going that route Let us know how you get on with this Regards Trevor - Admin
  15. Hi Doru It depends on which type of reverse camera you buy...some of them just replace the number plate light unit and transmit to interior display. Let us know how you get on with it Regards Trevor - Admin
  16. Hi Guv...welcome to the Forum! 14 year is a long time for car ownership nowadays...have you got any photos of it? Looking forward to reading your posts Regards Trevor - Admin
  17. Hi Robin...welcome to the Forum! There are a few videos on YouTube for VW and Audi on how to replace the gaiter....seem to remember when I did one that it did require a little bit of force to shift it Good luck Trevor - Admin
  18. Hi Jill...welcome to the Club! How are you getting on with the A3...finding it much different from the A4? Regards Trevor - Admin
  19. Wow...you're very lucky to live in such a beautiful area...i'll bet the roads are great for driving around there?
  20. What swayed your decision of Audi over Land Rover?
  21. Audi came second and third at this weekends Nurburgring 6 Hours...which is not a bad result overall
  22. Go for it...the way I see it if you are going to spend £225...that's £225 towards an upgraded suspension set up and has to be a move in the right direction. There's a huge range of different parts here http://www.audiownersclub.com/parts-results/A3-S3/Shock-Absorbers-Dampers/174092 Let us know which way your decision went
  23. Not tried the new range but many years ago I had a set on a Citroen and have never felt a car handle so strangely before...took them off and replaced them with Michelin. I'm sure they're sorted nowadays...nice and shiny as well !
  24. Hi Jay...welcome to the Forum! It looks like the doors are the same ranging from 2007 - 2014. You would be able to compare them side by side if collecting but if getting them delivered then obviously a little bit difficult if there are any differences. Good luck Trevor - Admin
  25. Hi Lee...welcome to the Forum! Not sure which spacers to use personally, but hopefully there may be some member(s) on here that have gone that route before. Pop up some photos once its been modded if you wouldn't mind...would like to see how it looks (before/after) Regards Trevor - Admin
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