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Audi Owners Club.

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Everything posted by Audi Owners Club.

  1. Good news!!! We are arranging for FREE Audi Owners Club T-Shirts and stickers for all attending the event....so if you fancy coming along then maybe this is a good reason to show you car on the club stand ?
  2. Hi Brian...welcome to the Forum That's incredibly useful information and thanks for sharing it with us Cheers, Trevor
  3. Hi Omar....welcome to the Forum Have you had a second diagnosis as engines don't normally stop without some considerable damage that warrant an engine replacement and in which case I'm sure you would have seen something occurring, increased engine temperature, loud bang, warning lights. I would confirm with another source that it has irreparable damage and what is damage and how it was caused. Cheers, Trevor
  4. keep us updated with how it all goes Miles.....would be interested to find out what the cause of the creaking sunroof is.
  5. Hi Andrew....welcome to the Forum That looks really mean! Bet you're excited to be picking it up and driving the miles back with it....can't think of anything better :-) Cheers, Trevor
  6. wow...that's crazy horsepower!!! I do like the Ute conversion for the S4 that they are advertising...
  7. was thinking Ronin but we've already had that one
  8. I would start by running some strong cleaner through the fuel system, remove the EGR and clean/delete and then look at the obvious stuff again, you may have missed something (it happens) p.s. all of the above costs very little money and is where I would start if I were sorting the fault.
  9. Hi Miles....welcome to the Forum Hopefully this is an issue your dealer can sort out, it must be driving you mad considering it's just above your head. Maybe just misaligned or missing a clip or something. Keep us posted Cheers, Trevor
  10. Don't know but is that a W12 engined A8 ?
  11. Hi Steve...welcome to the Forum Good to have you onboard Cheers Trevor
  12. Hi Dan....welcome to the Forum Good to have you onboard Cheers, Trevor
  13. Hi Boab....welcome to the Forum Good to have you onboard Cheers, Trevor
  14. that's a huge amount of money for a ferry crossing.....
  15. Hi William....welcome to the Forum I can only think it is one of two things... 1. Pressure cap is defective, not holding pressure and letting air in and pressure out to allow the boiling point to be too low, hence losing coolant out of the reservoir. 2. Air lock somewhere up by the matrix. I used to have a tool when I owned a garage which vacuumed down the entire cooling system and then purged it with coolant under pressure, was sometimes the only way to get the bl**dy air out of the cooling system. Sometimes, it won't necessarily leak coolant but you can be introducing air into the system via poor sealing joints or defective cap...worth checking before condemning head gasket, etc Let us know how you get on with finding the fault Cheers Trevor
  16. Enter your favourite road trip on this map so others can also enjoy it.....got a favourite driving road, list it here https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qAArTh1UeHOZjtXdFeXcbsJxf7o&usp=sharing
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  17. Just to let you all know, there is some new content in the Guides and Reviews section of this Forum. Hopefully, you'll find the information useful? http://www.audiownersclub.com/forums/tutorials/
  18. No problem Joe...we always aim to provide forum members with info that they want, so if you want to see anything specific on here, just let us know. Time permitting, it would be great to see a map of the best driving roads in UK and Europe on here. Will put up some pics of the roads in Germany next month as I'm going as a passenger on that trip so an opportunity to take some piccys.
  19. Check this section Joe Cott always trying to get members to write up a review of road trips and best driving roads....after all, that's what cars are for....driving! http://www.audiownersclub.com/forums/forum/87-road-trips/
  20. Not an Audi (thankfully) but this is Bosham harbour in Sussex and I have sat in a pub and watched a car park up on the road, then drive away. A few minutes later, I'm watching someone in a canoe paddling up the same road! They even make announcements in the pub that the tide is coming in and that if you have parked there that you ought to finish your pint and move it quick, lol
  21. Hi Jay I agree with all that Steve has said. If you get the head gasket, blowing manifold and air con sorted over time, then you'll have a much more satisfying car to drive. Worth the time and money I would think, but you are a better judge than me on whether it's worth it? Let us know how you get on with it all Cheers, Trevor
  22. What a shame...unless it was deliberate, to claim the insurance because the engine was knackered ? I mean, who would park a car on the shore like that and walk away...and who was taking the photos as well? surely not the owner to prove to the insurance company what happened...lol
  23. Hi Paul Not the expert on Audi MMI (took me long enough to work out the Honda Infotainment system) 1. Sorry, not sure 2. Speed dial should be standard but would read the manual to find out how to programme the numbers in 3. Should be able to but you might find that one phone will default as a priority....not sure how to change that but does it on my Honda
  24. Best colour for the Phaeton, in my mind
  25. Hi Ian....welcome to the Forum Great combination of Audi's....looking forward to seeing some piccys of them Good to have you onboard Cheers, Trevor
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