Hello Everyone 👋
I'm hoping I can get some answers/help here , I've not long bought an A4 B8 2.0Tfsi 211hp , it's been having an odd issue with heating , every now and then the heating completely stops working after a couple start ups or if I stop somewhere for like half hour or so after a journey (not every time) at that point no matter what you do the heating doesn't come on , Once it's left to fully cool down so let's say 3-4 hours at least it all goes back to normal , when the heating works it's fantastic , originally thought it's the Heat Exchanger but it just doesn't behave that way to me because it's got no consistency sometime it just doesn't show the issue at all and if it were to be at least partially blocked it wouldn't work as well as it does , I feel like the issue begins as soon as the coolant temp drops slightly (I presume when creating tiny vacuum after it cools slightly ) , I tried many things but I can never replicate it myself , I've put it under a pressure tester to see if there's any visible leaks but I could not find anything even though the needle does move ever so slightly after like 10-20 min , the carpets are all dry and I've seen right under the heater box and I didn't see any residue from coolant , I'm hoping someone has come across this issue before as I can't seem to find a cause
Thanks in advance