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  1. Sid2020's post in Steering airbag change was marked as the answer   
    Never came across a aftermarket airbag and never want to either, will be Audi or eBay for it I’d say
  2. Sid2020's post in How to drive Turbo engine 2.0 TFSI was marked as the answer   
    Turbo lag when is when your turbo is not spooling up at the desired rate due to a lack of exhaust gas to spin the exhaust turbine, typically being in a gear to high and planting the accelerator will produce turbo lag until the revs pick up enough to produce more exhaust gas to spin the turbo to provide the boost required. Your turbo will be spinning as soon as you start your engine due to the above reason and will increase in speed with more revs. 
  3. Sid2020's post in Confused about Data connections was marked as the answer   
    I’ve had the exact same experience with my wife’s Audi mmi as you are having, I ended up giving up and just use CarPlay for everything when I use it. Thought it was just me but even my teenagers moan about how bad the mmi is to use compared to the bmw idrive. Sorry I can’t give any help to solve your problem 
  4. Sid2020's post in Coding Highbeam on Xenon lights was marked as the answer   
    I coded this in but using a totally different method to both you have mentioned, I had to code in lane assist first to get my high beam assist to work. Hope that helps 
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