I have a 2009 3.2L A5 Quattro S-line
I am currently stuck with a fault I cannot find any information on at all. I change my battery as the last one finally died and now I have an EPC and Engine Light, as well as none other than one strange fault code in the AUTO HVAC module:
1 Fault Found
01206 - Signal for Duration of Ignition Off Time
008 - Implausible Signal
Freeze Frame
Fault Status 01101000
Fault Priority 7
Fault Frequency 1
Reset Counter 170
Millage 102156 km
Time Indication 0
Date 2009.06.26
Time 00.32.45
Back story
My car battery was on its way out, it was an original Audi battery and I could tell it was going because it started to read voltages bellow 12v, and the car was taking longer and longer to start. Yesterday, I started my car once, drove up the road, turn it off for 30 min and then it wouldn’t start but just crank slower and slower each time I tried until eventually it was just clicking. Then curtain electronics started shutting off one by one. We tried to bump start the car down a hill as we didn’t have jump leads but this didn’t work.
So I bought a new battery, put it all in, put key in, Coded it on VCDS by changing 1 value on the serial code, thats when I got the EPC light, the engine warning light and this time there was no cracking no starting. That’s when I did the scan and that’s the only fault code that keeps coming up.
I tried clearly the codes a couple of times but this didn’t help, I tried a different battery also with no luck. Voltage hasn’t dropped as I’ve been getting 12.3V constantly. All electrics now work fine, When I go to try and start, my dials do the usual sweep and I here an repeated whooshing sound from the rear middle of the car for a couple of seconds and 1 click, from somewhere under the dashboard in the drivers side… and then nothing.
Someone said the whooshing sound is probably the pump priming? And that I could have shorted something when I connected up the car? Someone else said it sounds like my instrument cluster is electronically stoping the signal to my starter?
I am really not sure what it may be, perhaps a sensor of some kind? I have visually checked all the fuses in all 4 fuses boxes of my car and they look fine, I am not sure where the starter relays are though and don’t have diagrams to tell me which one it is so Idk how to check those.
I am really stumped and I can’t find anyone with the same issue as me, I have search many forums but still can’t find anything, but I thought I’d post here just incase there are people who may know what’s happening.