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  1. Thanks Guys! Air/ a fault in the hydraulics makes sense to me most, especially given the recovery guy managed to pour more fluid in, just frustrating that Audi couldn't solve it. I'll get it checked in a mechanics and see if they are any more useful than Audi was. I've said to her about resting the foot on the clutch but I suppose it is a habit at this point, unfortunately! Thanks again, appreciate the info.
  2. The clutch has done all 34k miles the car has done. She doesn't ride the clutch but while in gear and moving she keeps her foot with a slight bit of pressure still on the clutch, not enough to move the pedal but definitely in contact. This is what I thought the issue would've been caused by however she has been driving est 25 years and this hasn't happened before, unless this car is just more sensitive? She has driven both a manual A3 and A1 for a number of years previously. The bite point is normal and the road and engine speed feel like they increase/decrease at a normal rate when I drive it. Thanks Clifford!
  3. Have a family member with a manual 2016 2.0L Diesel A5 34k miles and recently in some start stop traffic she went to move off and the clutch would not lift off the floor. Got it moved to the side of the road and recovery out, AA guy put some clutch fluid in and pulled the clutch off the ground, started moving and got the car to audi. Audi checked it over and they said they couldn't find an issue with it, their only answer was that it may have overheated but they reiterated that they weren't sure. She is now driving only when it's an absolute necessity and is very frightened of driving it. A similar issue happened last year however the slave cylinder had failed which seems like a known issue in these cars. Any thoughts on what the issue may have been? Felt like Audi only said overheating to give some sort of answer but it could be completely reasonable for all I know! Just seems strange that it starts overheating at 5-10mins of traffic, without a clear cause of overheating and how to avoid it in the future. Thanks!
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