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Everything posted by mike71

  1. The problem is that as new technology arrives the prices for used EVs drop. EVs are like iPhone in this respect. If only the government would encourage a halfway measure like the hybrid cars I think this would help us move away from ICE cars. EVs are only a stop gap until something else comes along.
  2. I joined this forum to find out about Audi A5s before buying one, I'm beginning to have 2nd thoughts😠
  3. That just about sums it up really, including the fact that batteries are guaranteed for 8 years, this would surely mean that buying an EV of that age would need a replacement battery and that is unfortunately where the problem lies. Would you buy an 8 year old ICE car and then expect to replace the engine. Call me an old dinosaur but when I put my foot on the load pedal I like the feeling I get from the noise it makes as much as the acceleration. As said above we should have a choice and not be forced into EVs by an over zealous government.
  4. Yes, happy days. As the government pushes even harder towards EV ownership and buyers learn more about the cons of ownership, hopefully there will be a push towards alternative fuels, ie synthetic petrol. But first the government needs to understand that the vast majority can't charge at home and or can't afford the cost of buying an EV as opposed to a reliable second hand ICE car.
  5. Austin allegros, bl**dy awful cars, had one as my company car years ago. Felt like driving on a floppy sofa and kept going wrong. And yes, flat bottom steering wheels are for drivers of a large stature 😂
  6. Spot on there
  7. To quote someone on dads army “ We are all doomed”.😂
  8. My wife complained today about her windows sticking so I've done her's tonight. I heard about this Gummi stuff years ago on a Volkswagen site, there were problems with the Eos roof leaking and it seemed to be partly down to the rubber becoming hard and not sealing properly. Regular use of the Gummi pflege plumps up the rubber and helps to stop the water getting in. It's used quite a lot on the BMW E89 and 3 series hard top convertible roofs. 👍
  9. Andy, That's reassuring. Mike.👍
  10. I'm in the process of looking for a new to me car so when it says sat nav in the used car advert, does that mean it will work without a subscription because if it doesn't it's a bit pointless having it.
  11. I don't know if I am stating the most obvious but could it be something in the tyre, like a stone or a nail?
  12. Thank you Mick B
  13. Is the 1.5 a later version of the 1.4 petrol or a completely different engine. The 1.4 seems to also be a COD engine?
  14. mike71

    Run Flats?

    I have a BMW E85 Z4 and it had normal tyres when I bought the car so I bought a space saver. Yes it does take up a bit of the boot space but I don’t like the idea of not having a spare. The Z4s came with run flats as standard and they make the ride dreadful. One of the reasons I am looking to buy an A5 over a BMW 4 series is the fact it has a spare tyre 👍
  15. Thank you RShole and Steve Q for your welcome and advice 👍
  16. My wife's Ford Focus CC did this because the window freezes to the rubber surround sometimes. Some Gummi fledge on the rubber stopped it.
  17. Hi, new member just joined, not sure if this is the correct place to start, sorry if not. I don't have an Audi yet but looking to see what to look out for on a 2017 to 2018 Audi A5 convertible. I have read that the MMI is a bit of a problem. Mike.
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