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    Engineering, fishing, cars and track days
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  • Audi Model
    A4 B7 Avant 1.8T 20V
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  1. Hello, my clutch is on its way out and I’m looking to replace and upgrade. Any recommendations welcome for replacements for higher power capable kits over standard list or specific kits for modified cars? I have a custom remap on the avant so I’m running at ~215bhp, so I’m not sure even if I swap to a new standard clutch if it will last long after a few sessions of spirited driving. 😬
  2. I’m going to attend the Cadwell Park track day 23rd March. I booked via Javelin track days, link below. Would be nice to see some fellow A4 B7’s especially any other Avant’s out on the track with me! https://javelintrackdays.co.uk/trackdays/Upcoming-Events/CP230325
  3. I’ve a small leak in my radiator, I’m still on the OEM original, lasted the car 18 years so not bad going. My engine is the BFB 1.8T 20V turbo and I’m looking for advice on a replacement radiator to upgrade the original. I’m planing a few Track days and Road trips so any extra cooling will I’m sure help. Any one have any suggestion or after market upgrade recommendations?
  4. MrT2006

    A4 Avant B7 1.8T20V

    My pride and joy. Still going strong after 18 years.
  5. Does anyone know of any track day event that is for Audi enthusiasts? I would like to see old and new Audi’s out on track together. Having been out to a track day last year I have the bug and wondered if there were any organised events or just arrange for a larger meet at a Javlin event etc? I own an A4 Avant 1.8T FWD and although not fastest on track by far, myself driving out on track was just such good fun testing myself and the cars ability out on tack without the usual road speed limit traffic restrictions etc. was exhilarating.
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