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Derrick Tridgell

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    A1 Sport TDi
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  1. Thanks for your advise. It is an odd problem I hope the dealer can rectify it.
  2. At both vibration periods the engine speed was less than 1500 rpm.
  3. When it first happened I assumed that it was caused by unbalanced wheel vibration. This was in 5th gear around 40-45 mph. Changing down to 4th gear and the ride at 40-45 mph was fine. The vibration occurred again at a lower road speed. Therefore I have assumed it was caused by the engine vibrating. I have had a further thought that it maybe caused by a weak engine mounting. I intend to go back to the dealer but I would like to have some idea what the problem might be first.
  4. Hi Cliff thanks for your reply. The vibration is felt though the seat as if the car is shaking. Derrick.
  5. Today I have purchased a 2011 A1 with the 1.6Tdi engine. Whilst driving the car home I noticed a vibration in 5th gear when the road speed dropped to 40-45 mph. At first I assumed it was caused by a poorly balanced wheel following replacement of the offside front tyre to satisfy MOT. However changing to 4th gear there was no vibration at the above speed range. I would appreciate thoughts and maybe actions taken by another A1 owner who may have experienced the same problem before discussing with the dealer where the car was purchased. Derrick Tridgell (New Audi Owner) [email protected].
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