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    Walla walla Wa
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    Q7 V6
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  1. So the battery is programmed and still nothing what I think it might be is the steering wheel lock thingy so I ordered this repair kit hoping it is this if not then idk what the heck it is
  2. And my car wouldn’t start or get any power even before I changed my battery
  3. No the battery wasn’t coded to the car and when I try to use an OBD Reader it won’t work because there’s no power
  4. Hello there so I have an 07 Q7 V6 that won’t start. The doors unlock and lock with key the dome lights work & so do the hazards etc. when I open my door the only thing that pops up on the cluster is the miles but when I put my key in the ignition nothing my happens when usually the steering wheel will unlock and the dash will turn on but it doesn’t do anything. I just replaced the battery in both the car & key fob & still nothing. I checked all the fuses and I also replaced the relay next to the battery under the driver seat. I tried to connect an OBD reader to it to find out what is wrong but even that won’t work I have no clue what to do nor do I know what is wrong. If someone could PLEASE help me I would really appreciate it!
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