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    A3 Sportback
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  1. Bit of an update picked my car up from the dealer today, basically they’ve done a full inspection and while they did hear some rubbing while moving the car and while on the lift they’ve put it down to brake disc rust. The courtesy A1 they gave me with only 45 miles on it had a slight rubbing noise when braking at slow speed, which could be down to pad materials, but quieter than what I’m experiencing at the moment. Their conclusion is that the brakes are fine, and the noise should go away after more use. So, I suppose I need to play the game a bit longer and go back when it’s still a problem in a month or so. As a side note, definitely made the right choice with the A3, the A1 felt very basic in comparison with a similar spec level, but still a nice little car, if not a bit pricey.
  2. Newbie to the forum here. Picked up my A3 Sportback 35 TSFI 8Y facelift just over a week ago, and I’m experiencing the same grinding noise coming from the rear passenger side. It was ex-demo, six months old, but still only low mileage (2,500), its with Bristol Audi at the moment, but they are blaming rust too, which we've all experienced before, but having done 200 miles with some heavy motorway braking yesterday and still hearing the noise when arriving home I’m not convinced. Interesting others are having the same issue from the same wheel, at first I wondered if it might be part of the mild hybrid recuperation or the parking brake biting a little.
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