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  1. Yes, everyone has been really helpful so far and I’ve received plenty of good advice. I live in the outskirts of Glasgow , so unfortunately Hampshire is quite a distance away. However, I do appreciate your recommendations of your garage - sounds like you’ve got a reliable one. The Audi dealership has already charged £140 for diagnostic check but wants to carry out further checks . Which they quoted £436. I’ve booked in to a local garage for a diagnostic check next week. I do have a warranty cover, but it seems the airbags are not included!
  2. That’s great. I appreciate your input. The car has only done £26k miles so I would have expected to get more miles out of the car before a new airbag would need replacing.
  3. Thanks. the Car is booked in for a diagnostic check next week. Do you know the costs for repair/replacement ?
  4. Audi Q8 - I’ve noticed the passenger side front suspension drops when the car is off. No warning lights and suspension moves up when the car has started and it’s fine to drive. It only seems to be when sitting for a long time. Could that be an airbag leak or defective pipe? Has anyone else had the same problem? Thanks
  5. I changed the key fob battery and ever since that my alarm randomly goes off. Took it to the dealership for a Diagnostic check and it came back as attempted theft but not 💯 sure will need to do further checks
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