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Everything posted by sburt93

  1. So finally had a diagnostics guy look at my car today the only thing he could really find that would link to the alarm going off is the fuel tank cap being faulty even though it still works fine at the current time so hes completely removed the alarm system from the coding to stop it so that seems to of been the culprit on this occasion
  2. Yes i put it back in earlier and after an hour it started going off again so went and took it back out but lost it in the process to the void below the fuse carrier
  3. So update, last sunday night i broke and decided it would be a good idea To start pulling out fueses, one by one so pull one lock it wait for it to flash unlock it put it back in e.t.c which didnt work so just left the alarm fuse out and left it unlocked for two days. wednesday i park it at work and decide to lock it i go away for the night as i work away and i come back and its not flashed, guys at the unit say it hasnt flashed once it didnt flash that night yesterday or last night nor this morning thus far, very weird as it was supposed to be diagnosed today with a proper scanner not a carly scanner. So far its fixed it self unless its because its dry and warmer now 🤷🏽‍♂️who knows, but noticed that the mmi screen is almost like blinking while on 🤦🏽the mystery continues..
  4. Yeah they never showed before though before i had a new battery its almost like a new batterys lifted a shroud covering the real issues its so weird also tried your other suggestion too but no cigar
  5. Yeah i do have it, but it stopped working for abit, then i changed the battery and now works again
  6. Yeah i have it it stopped working for abit but then i changed the battery and it works now
  7. I shal give that a try and get back you on that thankyou
  8. Yeah ive had that off no sensors there the only sensors i can actually see what are similar to those on a q5 or q7 are in the actuall latch itself they seem to make proper contact from what i can see through the tiny slot its a proper mind screw
  9. Yeah i tried to look in there but nothing in there unfortunately🤔
  10. Also these are the only codes im really getting regarding the boot
  11. Ive just ran out and dismantled the boot
  12. Ahh! I noticed that i have two! One thats plugged in and one thats not but i cant see no cables to plug into 🤔
  13. To my knowledge before i had it the screen had been replaced evidence is broken glass still in the wheel well how will i know where to look? Thankyou for your reply
  14. Hi there new guy here with a 2017 a4 avant had the car nearly 2 years and have finally cracked to finally try and sort this huge issue out so if anyone can help it will be incredible. Basically the car likes to spontaniously set the indicator lights off like the alarm is going off but with no siren upto this week when i replaced the battery since then it has done it more often with the addition of the siren this time!🤦🏽this only happens when it is locked not when its unlocked which i have had to do most nights. This is not ideal i know but what more can i do i have checked the fuses none of them are blown ive torn the boot apart to see if it was a sensor on that but no change. Any ideas before i start looking to take out a mortgage to get audi to fix it (derby audi want 180 quid just to diagnose it!) Thankyou in advance
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