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  1. I have finished installing the GPS antenna. Slightly more fiddly than it looked on Youtube, but that was probably to be expected. Managed to locate some metal hardware deep into the space behind where the MMI sits for the antenna to securely attach onto and now I have full satnav functionality (Albeit it a decade out of date). Getting around 7-9 satellites detected so more than enough signal. £7 well spent I think, should there be any updates I'll be sure to post. For the benefit of any future readers of this thread here is the link to the antenna I used, it has a FAKRA connection. (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/182758637033?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110013%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIMRXI%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D279722%26meid%3Dc0560ba321654f518b9bac30bfef6ba3%26pid%3D101843%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D18%26itm%3D182758637033%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D4375194%26algv%3DSimRXIV2LiteWithSeedSelectionRanker&_trksid=p4375194.c101843.m3021&itmprp=cksum%3A182758637033c0560ba321654f518b9bac30bfef6ba3|enc%3AAQAJAAABADlHNXm4PRCOVCkkLsUbP5ASD%2BgGPSuy6m3%2Fxp83gOasJaSCTGcqhnpc6jAFnpZafbdBZDoxOZdxDSlGzXOjDt2nJ3JTttQu9borKNbirQUW547C7XfpJbnfHjXt%2BXNX8TgH6ZwTLTAPb5G%2BXE3Lam4BVgSC4jv%2FvS1HZWlqQDAIcUA9oSEACRigvrLNZuCAuHUtIsb90Gc6l%2FolCw01buj0wujhy8%2FF8fU%2F5YhqG%2BaUR5nZGHSlw1M18lrCd70H7AKfULUjF9lUya1bDaAWzbKPNS7wCWpMMo8SNVaUQbVBtGDcsrUPyNQeyhXyUJnTabG1DUwvFamnArT6pQtOhGc%3D|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A4375194&itmmeta=01JK6S38295J6XR229ZTGDGSB1&_trkparms=parentrq%3Acd919ea21940ac1d6ebe69a9ffffdf76|pageci%3A1bd2d094-e270-11ef-a270-de52b426aee9|iid%3A1|vlpname%3Avlp_homepage)
  2. Thank you both for replying to my post so promptly. I have ordered a GPS antenna from eBay, which should be arriving on the weekend. I hope that I'll be able to unplug the original antenna cable from the back of the MMI and plug in the new one to see if that corrects the issue, and confirming that its a hardware issue as opposed to a software related one. I'll update when I have it all fitted.
  3. Hi, I have recently bought a 12 plate Audi Q3, which I am delighted about, however, the sat nav doesn’t appear to work and I was hoping someone might be able to assist or point me in the right direction. For context the car has the original Europa 2012 SD card installed. But when I go into the settings it says “0 Satellites found”. Having poured over previous threads on various forums I’ve come across 3 potential solutions. 1- The outdated maps need replacing with a more current version, thus fixing the issue. 2- The firmware is outdated, hence the Sat nav no longer working. For reference it has RMC_EU_P11474. 3- The GPS antenna has stopped working and needs replacing. I’ve contacted the local Audi dealer and they believe it’s most likely a firmware/software issue, but haven’t told me if it’s something they can rectify. They’ve also quoted me £330 for the 2024 Europa SD card and installation. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
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