Hi All Audi members
Having recently purchased a new q3 I wanted to fit a spare wheel kit.
I thought this would be easy and just call the dealer I purchased the car from. Wrong!!! Audi have placed a bar on being able to sell a spare wheel kit or parts unless it is purchased with the car.
As my car was new but not specified with these parts the parts system will not allow you so view the parts require using your reg or vin number. The Spare parts department at two dealers decline to be able to order the parts due to recent correspondence from Audi.
After speaking to Audi customer services they confirmed that this is due to breaking emission laws.
I will not give you my thoughts
This site was a breath of fresh air and allowed me to be able to establish the parts required.
The reason for this update is to make members aware of this situation and update part numbers.
The foam insert required is now part number 83A-012-109-N
Audi Q3 Foam tool compartment for spare wheel (they call it a 'bin'). and now costs £130.20.
The other parts require are still the same and I purchased them all via the web as Audi delinked other than the foam which I was able to get from one kind dealer.
Audi part numbers:
A5QF-011-031-D Jack
A5Q0-011-221 Jack crank arm
A8N0-012-219 Wrench
OEM space saver wheel (A83A-601-010-A)
I hope this helps any one looking for a kit.
For reference my car is a Quattro with a sub woofer in the boot.