Thanks Steve, I think I’m going to replace the tech just wanted to get thoughts first on this. Think the link in the post is spam though might want it removing.👍
Hi All,
I've hit a B200049 Steering Rack Fault on my Audi A4 b8.5 - Steering is so heavy, she does move forward and backwards, just wondering if this is a common problem? Rather than changing the full rack can I Just do the module?
Eyup peeps, hope everyone is well and thanks for letting me register on this forum.
I'm the proud new owner of An Audit A4 SLine 2015 - Damaged but still in good spirits!
I'm coming to the forum for everyone's advice and guidance and appreciate any support on my rebuild journey. I'm a big VW fan and this is going to finally replace my long loved VW Passat.