Hello. My 2022 RS5 coupe is currently at Edinburgh Audi for a service and its first MOT. It is still under manufactures warranty. It’s got a full ASH, all work has been done at Edinburgh Audi and I’ve had the car since it was about 7 months old. It’s runs great, no issues and has very low mileage, around 7,500.
Here’s the thing: it’s failed the MOT due to emissions. Initially they said they’d fix it under warranty, but when they hooked it up to their ‘machine’ it came back with a ‘TD1-Engine EMC Modification (Tuning) code which is now inactive. See attached file. I had absolutely no idea such a modification had been carried out, therefore it’s been done during the first 7 months before I got the car.
Because of this, Edinburgh Audi won’t do the work to get it though the MOT under warranty. I’m having to pay for it. I doubt they can prove it’s this brief ‘tune-up’ which is causing the emissions failure and at the time of writing (0310hrs - can’t sleep for worry!) they don’t know what’s causing the emissions issue.
I feel as if I’m getting shafted through no fault of my own. Surely this code would have shown up when it was at Edinburgh Audi for preventing services? I’m preparing myself to be hit for thousands when they eventually find out what’s causing the emissions failure.
Any advice would be welcome as to where I stand, though I am, as mentioned, preparing for the worst.
TIA, Glynn