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Julian Voelcker

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    A6 Allroad 3.0tdi
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  1. Looking at installing an AMI module into our 2007 A6 alongside the CD player and whilst I have a Y splitter for the fibre optic cable, I don't have one for what I assume is the power cable - 8 pins - is it just power? I have a plug and few inches of lead on the AMI unit, can I just splice it in with the power to the CD player?
  2. Thanks, have fought enough glow plugs over the years, a bit easier with cast heads, alloys are always a pain - induction heaters help a lot. The IMRC issue looks common and relatively easy to deal with. The noise is definitely suspension, either a ball joint or ARB related. !Removed! weather today so have been upgrading the MMI and learning my way around the software and other settings, lots to learn.
  3. Hi, Yes, 200k nothing, my LC is only on 350k miles so this is a baby. An assuming a single turbo, but not really dug into it much. Already have a lite version on VCDS for other VAG vehicles in the family, but also playing with OBDEleven to see what it can do - looking good so far. I have a couple of minor engine issues and a near side front rattle, but doesn't sound that bad so not worried about that. I also have a glow plug and IMRC error that looks straight forward enough. Only complication so far has been getting my head around the MMI/AMI side of things, but think I have it sorted now. This is very much a project car to get to know the marque and something to potter around with at weekends.
  4. Morning All, I have just bought my first Allroad having looked at them 20 years ago when they were way out of my price bracket, but now I'm astounded at how cheap some are - we have just picked this on up on 200k miles for £1k, what could go wrong 🤣 I actually run a garage specialising in servicing, modifying and restoring old Toyota Land Cruisers, so will be tackling everything myself, however digging around this morning notice that VAG do like to over complicate things - we don't have to do much with CAN BUS systems 🤷 First on the list is to get music streaming from phones whilst still using the factory hands free...
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