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Canada Bob

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  1. Aye, well, it sure is a strange turn of events, but as you say things do happen for a reason, some folks would say the events in our lives are predestined, but that would negate choice, and I think we have choice, we aren't like trams on a single track we have choice. I debated this {predestination} many years ago with a bloke that I worked with, he was a Buddhist. The way he put it was, we aren't like a bird in the sky, the bird can fly anywhere he chooses to, that's total freedom {sort of}, we are more like a monkey at the base of a tree, a tree with many branches {choices}, the monkey can climb up the tree and have some element of freedom, but this freedom is limited by the decisions the monkey makes and the limitation that the branch offers to the monkey. We have choice, but the tree that I found myself in doesn't have a branch that leads to free digs in Buckingham Palace with pockets filled for a lifetime by poorer monkeys. Some monkeys are born at the base of a tree with limited branches but they are all branches that live in the easy shade of one Palace or another. Most folks are less fortunate, their roads don't lead to the {metaphoric} Riches of Rome. So, we play a part in our destiny by making choices, but we can't chose to win the Euro Millions this week, that branch/path doesn't exist on our tree of life. As for the shaving cream, yea, it's near always "Sold Out" but if you PM me I'll speak with Rohan to ask him to ship one out to you {at cost price} as soon as the next batch from Scotland arrives. You might find the wording in the Patent interesting, particularly the comments about respecting the Religious beliefs and/or Lifestyle choices {Vegans etc} of the innocent end users, most folks have no idea what they are putting on their skin, this cream of mine is edible !!! every ingredient in it is Food Grade, and meets with the strict regime that Vegetarians and the like expect. http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?FT=D&date=20080408&DB=&locale=en_EP&CC=US&NR=7354573B2&KC=B2&ND=2 The standard size is 100ml, all you need is 2mls or so per day, so it should last 40-50 days, but it's not just the smooth shave that you get, the cream softens the beard to such an extent that there's very little impact on the blade, the end result of that is that folks tell me that their razors last up to 100 days ! with the price of razors these days that can save you a lot of money, but most folks who use my shaving cream find that you don't need to use the expensive multi blade razors the cheap double bladed ones do the job fine. Speaking of Patents {and the odd branches in life}, here's a link to the first "Invention" that I came up with years ago, one that got me a meeting with Lee Trevino when he won the British Open at Royal Birkdale. He was a real nice guy, I remember that when he won he gave half the winnings {I think it was} to a local orphange. http://www.sumobrain.com/patents/wipo/Ball-game-practice-device/WO1980000663A1.html That net finished up being used by Arthur Ashe at the Doral Club to practice serving Aces, by the Tokyo Giants to practice Pitching, by Jack Bond's lads at Lancashire CC and lots of other folks. That net design is almost 50 years old now, but there's never been a net since that can catch and hold in place any ball, from a golf ball doing up to 300ft/second to a soccer ball doing a good bit less ;-) The idea of how to catch and hold something in flight came to me watching how arrestor nets work on aircraft carriers... Life is odd aint it... Bob.
  2. Yea, back in the UK where my accent and attitude blends in more than it does in Canada or the US. I have to reacclimatise to the UK though, many things are different here, but, like the old adage it's "When in Rome" and all that, no matter where you live it's a better life when you can adapt to the jungle that you find yourself in. As for those {almost} historical events, well, they brought an end to my Engineering career, and much of what happened since then became a mystery unto itself, but, thanks to the help of {unnamed} folks in the US I popped up in other waters so to speak, working with {not for} a couple of US based Multi Nationals, and finished up formulating cosmetic products, how far away is that from signing off fighter aircraft !!! My knowledge of "oils" as an Engineer lent itself to understanding how certain cosmetic products were put together, I finished up with Patents in some 34 countries on some creams that I "Formulated for Perfection" {Trademarked}, including a cream that has become the fastest selling tattoo aftercare product that the world has ever seen... http://www.afterinked.com/ According to Facebook folks say good things about it... https://www.facebook.com/AfterInked Then there's a shaving cream, used by the SAS and other Special Forces in Canada & the US, not just because it gives them a good shave, but one small tub takes hardly any space in their "response packs", add to that the cream made for special forces contains an SPF ingredient {titanium} to protect folks in desert and other areas, also a moisturiser to stop desert {or artic} winds cracking their exposed skin, plus a mosquito repellent, and finally the {invisible} shaving cream that also conditions the skin acting as an aftershave, all in all it's good stuff. The civilian product doesn't have {or need} all these attributes is still a great product, very different from any other way to shave, check out the link below... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bob-Norburn-Pre-Shave-Cream-Moisturiser/dp/B001QC8OO0 Looks like they are sold out above, the site below might have it in stock though... http://www.body4real.co.uk/bob-norburn-3-in-1-dry-shave-moisturiser-cream/ It's an odd old world though aint it, to go from F18's to shaving creams, it's that "jungle" thing though aint it, you have to adapt to where you find yourself in life... Bob.
  3. Aye, well, it was an odd saga to say the least James, part of which included me being made into the 6 Million $ Man, not in a way you'd want though, but compared to the bomb it was of lesser concern. The short form of the saga was that I used to work for De Havilland here in the UK {that's a LONG time ago now} I was an Aircraft Airworthyness Inspector {that can be a tough job, get it wrong and people can die}, anyway... In 1982 I was recruited by a aircraft company in Fort Erie, Ontario, just over the river from Buffalo, NY, they worked on F18's, Blackhawk helicopters, Grumman Tank Busters and the like. My job was to make sure that everything they produced was "fit to fly" as it turned out {after I audited the plant and its procedures} aircraft parts were {as they say in the industry} "Compromised". As the Airworthiness Inspector I refused to sign them off, initially I was "offered a bonus" if I signed product off, I turned them down flat, {peoples lives were in my hands, Military & Civilian}. The thing is James, as an example, an F18 airframe is expected to handle 9-10 G's {pilots are lucky to stay awake beyound 7 G though}, anyway, pulling 5 G or more {as they need to do in combat} is tough on the airframe, if parts aren't built to Spec they can fail and cost not just the loss of the 'plane and probably the pilot, but loss off the mission, and that "could" mean loss of a city {or a war} if what you intended to shoot down was a Bear carrying nuclear weapons, so being an Airworthiness Inspector carries with it a lot of responsibility. Anyway, back to what went on... I wouldn't sign off a number of F18's and some Blackhawks, this meant they couldn't fly, that meant the company didn't get paid for the work done, that meant if I didn't see things their way it would be the Highway for me. That's how it went, they fired me off, escorted me off the premises, but even though I was then Unemployed that doesn't relieve me of my responsibilities to "To protect the Innocent End Users" {that's our creed in Airworthiness}, so I took my concerns to the RCMP {Royal Canadian Mounted Police}, cause them to scratch their heads as they are essentially Police men, not Engineers, so they didn't know what to do {initially}. I handed over my Black Book containing a list of some 37 aircraft that {as far as I was concerned} were compromised. While all this was going on aircraft and their parts were being shipped out, signed off by other folks {remember this bit}. It wasn't long though before an F18 crashed in Malpeque Bay {Prince Edward Island}, killing the pilot, that caught the attention of folks. One of the arguements put to me was that "if you are right and the 'plane starts to come apart the pilot could always jump out". Maybe {just maybe he could, if an internal explosion didn't knock him unconscious}, but if the pilot managed to eject WHO IS FLYING THE 'PLANE AFTER THAT !!! What happens / who is responsible if it lands on a school, hospital or in the middle of a town !!! By now the Media started to pick up on my concerns and what had gone on, wasn't long before other F18's were falling out of the sky, odd how the Canadian Government were insisting it was "Pilot Error" whilst at the same time saying that Canadian Military Pilots {in combat missions} were "The Best Pilots in the World" !!! If memory serves me correctly, over a period of time 13 of the F18's crashed and killed 8 pilots, while all this was going on 10 Blackhawks went down, killing 52 or so people, the US Government weren't too pleased with the Canadian company nor with the Canadian Government about that, in fact they grounded the Blackhawks on 3 ocassions, even though they were the backbone of their ground support at the time ! The Media came out in support of me, the CEO of the company hatched an asassination plot, it would be easier to blow me up rather than try to shut me up. Thankfully the VP brought this to the attention of the Mounties, they wired him up and recorded what the CEO was wanting to do, long story attached to that, how the Canadian Government declined to prosecute the CEO, it was me they wanted to discredit, not a Canadian Aerospace company doing work for the US Government, so... After the asassination plot went wrong the company were "advised" to take me to task via "Legitimate Channels" so, they sued me for $6 Million !!! yep, they made me the 6 Million $ Man. This was their attempt to intimidate me {Wigin Lad's don't yeild easiliy though} ;-) but the !Removed! sued me for the best part of 5 years, even though they never wanted it to come to Court, they asked for one adjournment after another, during which time I went from working as a Senior Engineer to being Blackballed in the industry, they only work I could get to keep body & sould together was making knives & forks for Oneida, a US company with a facility in Niagara Falls, Ontario, working for about 1/3rd of what I used to make as an Airworthiness Inspector, but, it put food on the table for me and my family... Things were getting worse by the day though, the battle was heating up, the US Government heard about my concerns and sent a guy who worked for The Defense Inspector Generals Office {the Military division of the FBI} to meet with me, that meeting resulted in me being driven across the border to Buffalo Military Airport, where I was flown in a Learjet down to Washington. On arrival in Washington I was "debriefed" by a team from the Defense Inspector Generals Office, they reported back to Casper Weinberger who was Secretary of State for Defense at the time {a real nice guy}, after speaking with him, telling him why the Blackhawks were "compromised" he set up a Senate Sub Committee to investigate what was going on. That committee was headed by Barry Goldwater, and included, Senators Sam Nunn, Carl Levin, Neil Armstrong, Teddy Kennedy et-al, meeting folks like that was surreal for me, things like this don't happen in Wigin ! That's the jist of it, there was a LOT more that went on, much of it mentioned in the article/link below, but a LOT of what went on will never see the light of day... https://www.uow.edu.au/~bmartin/dissent/documents/Norburn.html Bob.
  4. I've seen worse things on the floor though James, nothing that would take 20 Amps though ;-) Sometimes it can be a lifesaver to have a fuse fall out, an incident with a faulty wire on my car once saved my life, the wire was connected to 6 oz of C4 plastique explosive, if the connection had been good I would have gone into orbit.
  5. I bought the car somewhat recently and on looking in the boot/trunk I found a 20 amp fuse in the wheel well area, wasn't sure if it was a spare or if it had just dropped out, so I needed a "map" to check what should be where, folks don't always put the right fuse in the right place, everything is fine though now.
  6. THANKS for the above James, that's exactly what I needed, much appreciated. Bob.
  7. The fuse box for my car is in the boot, and as seen in the video there's no diagram on the back of the cover, just some sound insulation stuff. To make things worse the Owners Manual doesn't have a diagram of which fuse goes where, that's in the Service Manual, the one that I don't have :-(
  8. Hello James, Is the fuse layout not printed on the inside of the box cover as is the case with many Audis? Sadly not James, just a piece of {what seems to be} 1/2" thick sound insulation :(
  9. I seem to have misplaced the service manual for my 2007 A6 3.2 Quattro so I'd appreciate it if someone would send me a copy of the layout of the fuse panel. Thanks, Bob.
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